Ad serving rules — Turkey

This document is a translation of Ad serving rules — Turkey in English. In case of conflict between the Turkish version of Ad serving rules — Turkey and this translation - only the Turkish version of Ad serving rules — Turkey is legally binding. The Turkish version of Ad serving rules — Turkey can be found here:

These Ad Serving Rules are an integral part of the Agreement. Terms used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in Yandex.Direct Online Advertising Service Terms and Conditions located on the Internet at:

In case the Ads provided for placement are in the language other than Turkish with Location-Based Targeting other than Turkey, such Ads are placed on terms and conditions set out in Ad Serving Rules placed at: Meanwhile, such Ads should satisfy the requirements of applicable legislation of respective jurisdiction(s) for Advertising with Location-Based Targeting, including, but not limited to the legislation on advertising, intellectual property legislation and the competition law.

I. Advertisements (hereinafter also referred to as “Ads” or “ads”) shall be accompanied with the designation: “Yandex.Direct”, or “Direct”, or “Advertising”.

Advertising placed via Yandex.Direct may be displayed:

A) on Yandex SERP ( — up to 12 Ads,

B) on Yandex.Direct at the all Ads viewing pages ( under key phrases – all Ads competing with each other.

C) on pages of websites and mobile apps) of the participants of the Ad networks (for the purposes of these Rules the Ad Networks shall mean Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) and ad exchanges ( — the number of ads depends on the settings of the website or mobile application*;

D) on search result pages of the participants of Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) — up to 12 ads;

E) on Yandex.Maps search result pages ( and in the Yandex.Maps mobile application — up to 2 ads.

Selection of Advertising for Impression in ALL positions at SERP, Yandex.Direct, on search result pages of websites participating in the YAN and Yandex.Maps is based on keyword / key phrase (subject to exclusion of stop words (, the Quality factor, CTR and the Cost-per-Click, specified by the Advertiser.

At that, only Impressions and Clicks on search results of the Search Engine shall be used to calculate the Click-through-ratio (CTR) (as defined below) for Impression of Advertising on all position of SERP. Several search results pages may be simultaneously displayed on a single web page (including mobile devices programs interface). In such a case search results pages are numbered.

Click-Through Rate (CTR) means a ratio of Clicks to the number of Impressions of an Ad. CTR is calculated and recorded separately for: a) PCs and tablets, b) mobile devices. For the purposes of these Rules, mobile devices mean devices classified as such automatically by the Yandex.Direct system.

Yandex SERP may contain up to three Ads of the Special Placement. The Special Placement means an advantageous Advertising placement with high clickability, located above search results (under the search string or thematic insets of Yandex services («wizard»: Impression of Ads of the Special Placement shall be guaranteed for each query identical to a keyword/key phrase (subject to exclusion of stop words), specified by the Advertiser.

Other Ads shall be displayed:

  • Below search results

  • Or to the right of search results.

Yandex’s SERP may simultaneously contain below search results:

  • the first search results page may simultaneously display up to 4 ads statically, i.e. unfailingly against each search query identical to the key phrase (without stop words ( specified by the Advertiser – these are Guaranteed Impressions;

  • the second search results page and all pages following it may simultaneously display dynamically up to 4 ads not included in the Special Placement block (that is, alternating with each other) – these are the Dynamic Impressions. The total number of ads rotating in these positions shall be unlimited.

Yandex’s SERP may simultaneously contain in their RIGHT column:

  • up to 4 Ads displayed statically, i.e., guaranteed for impression for specific keyword/key phrase (subject to exclusion of stop words), specified by the Advertiser, – the Guaranteed Impressions .

  • up to 5 Ads, not included into the Guaranteed Impressions, displayed dynamically (i.e., rotating) at the positions below the Guaranteed Impressions – the Dynamic Impressions . A total number of Ads, rotating in these positions, is not limited.

The Ads might not be displayed on Yandex’s SERP since a media context banner ( and/or information block covering Yandex's services and products might replace the former, as may be prescribed by certain inquiries.

Ads with the best indicators are to be displayed in the Special Placement and at the positions of the Guaranteed Impressions. Other Ads shall be displayed at the positions of the Dynamic Impressions.

Ads selected for the Special Placement shall meet certain threshold, irrespective of whether there are any competing Ads. For that reason it is possible that no Ad will be displayed at Special Placement, while in other positions Ads will be displayed. Accordingly, Advertising with high CTR may also be more often impressed at Special Placement for a Cost-per-Click which is less than price of the first place in Guaranteed Impressions.

Advertising in Special Placement and Guaranteed Impressions shall be displayed in descending order of the value calculated basing on CTR, Cost per Click and Quality factor.

Display of Advertising at the position of the Dynamic Impressions is depending on the total amount of Ads competing under specific Search Query, their CTR and Cost-per-Click. Ads in the Dynamic Impressions positions are displayed in descending order of the value calculated basing on CTR, Cost per Click and Quality factor with consideration of the rate set by the Advertiser according to cl. 16 of the Rules.

Selection of Ads for Impression on Yandex.Direct all Ads viewing pages ( and their placement shall be arranged in decreasing order of the value calculated basing on CTR, Cost per Click and Quality factor. At that, the position of the Advertising on the page shall be determined in accordance with the selected Cost-per-Click, i.e., selected Ads shall be placed on every page in the decreasing order on the basis of the value calculated basing on CTR, Cost per Click and Quality factor.

Ads displayed on the Yandex.Maps may be accompanied by a special mark shown on the map, with reference to a certain locality, corresponding to the address specified by the Advertiser on the contact page (virtual business card) of a relevant Ad. When a User addresses the mark, an “Expanded Mark”** block appears containing the Ad text and/or contact details provided by the Advertiser.

II. Please note:

1. In case of overlapping of key phrases in different Ads within one and the same Advertising Campaign, rates for these key words will not raise the Cost-per-Click for each other. The only one Ad with higher amount of the value calculated basing on CTR, Cost per Click and Quality factor will be selected for Impression.

2. In case of overlapping of key phrases in Advertising, leading to the same website, the only one Ad with higher amount of the value calculated basing on CTR, Cost per Click and Quality factor will be selected for Impression.

3. In the course of providing Services the following parameters are determined for the Advertising Campaigns:

А) Quality factor affecting the minimum Cost-per-Click, effective at the search. The quality factor depends on a large amount of parameters and is calculated in a real time. The main parameters are: overall relevancy of an Ad to Search Query, Ad Statistics, relevancy of a website page linked by the Ad, and other parameters.

B) Efficiency factor affecting the minimum Cost-per-Click, effective at the search. The efficiency factor depends on a large amount of parameters and is calculated in a real time. The major parameters are: statistical data (Impressions, CTR, number of days of Advertising Campaigns display), aggregated by an advertised webpage or phone number (if specified in a “virtual personal card”).

4. In the course of performing of Services Yandex shall be entitled, at its own discretion, to consider Ads to be similar. Ads are considered to be similar, provided that the following is simultaneously present (irrespective of whether there are Ads of the same or different Advertisers):

  • the Ads have identical or similar objects of advertising: identical or similar to a significant extent goods (works, services), offered for sale within one region;

  • the Ads are placed under the same or overlapping key words (key phrases, catalog heads);

  • the Ads contain links to the same or similar websites and/or provide identical specified and/or actual contact details of Advertisers (suppliers).

Subject to the above stated, websites shall be recognized similar in the event of similarity of substantial portions of the offered assortment of goods (types of works, services) to be sold within one region and/or when the same goods (works, services) are offered by the same suppliers (affiliated, having a close relationship), regardless of slight differences in range, different design, website structural organization, difference in price, as well as websites affiliation to (administration by) different person(-s).

In the event of display of Ads for a correspondent keyword (key phrase), the only one Ad from a group of Ads, considered to be similar, that have a highest amount of the value calculated basing on CTR, Cost per Click and Quality factor shall be displayed to the user. The other Ads from such a group shall be considered as duplicates and shall not be displayed (placed). The Cost-of-Click, selected by the Advertisers for duplicate Ads, shall not be taken into account (in particular, in the course of determination of a place of Impression of other Ads) during the whole period of suspension of these Ads.

In the above cases, Yandex shall be entitled at its own discretion to determine the Ads to be similar, based on the assessment of the information available to it.

4.1. If any Yandex.Direct Ad contain links to the same Internet information resource (website)/domain, or to websites considered similar in accordance with Clause 5 hereof, the Ad with best amount of the value calculated basing on CTR, Cost per Click and Quality factor shall be displayed.

5. Specifics of changes in display of Advertising Campaigns subject to amendments into the same:

5.1. Processing of operations, performed by the Advertiser through the Interface (or via API) to amend certain parameters of Advertising Campaign, shall be carried out within the following terms:

  • change of the Cost-per-Click — from 5 to 30 minutes (average processing time of this operation is 10 minutes);

  • suspension of the Advertising Campaign — from 10 to 60 minutes (average processing time of this operation is 30 minutes);

  • other operations — from 5 to 180 minutes (average processing time of other operations is 40 minutes).

5.2. In the event the Advertiser changes the Cost-per-Click, Clicks shall be paid for at their old cost until Yandex processes relevant change to the Advertising Campaign;

5.3. If the Advertising Campaign is cancelled, provision of Services shall cease upon the processing of this operation by Yandex. Prior to processing Clicks shall be paid for at the cost set by the Advertiser;

5.4. Information on the processing of operations, related to changes to the Advertising Campaign’s status, shall be indicated in the Interface.

6. Ads displayed on the Advertising spaces through mobile devices may contain a Link to a website and/or a Link to a contact page. When clicking on the Link, the User goes to the chat mode where he/she may in his/her sole discretion make a call at a contact phone number specified by the Advertiser for the particular Ad in a virtual business card.

7. Cost-per-Click (which means an amount deducted from the Advertiser for one Click. Maximum amount of Cost per Click is set by the Advertiser (either directly or automatically according to these Rules) for a Group of Ads).

The Cost-per-Click may be set by the Advertiser for the Groups of Advertising subject to the rules set out below and within the range as set forth in the table on page

7.1. Whenever the Cost-per-Click, selected by the Advertiser with consideration of the rate set by the Advertiser according to cl. 16 of the Rules, exceeds the amount of the Advertising Campaign account balance/ the General account (the amount of cash balance for all Advertiser’s Advertising Campaigns), it shall be considered that the cost-per-Click is equal to the amount of the Advertising Campaign account balance/ the General account.

7.2. In the Client Web Interface all the cost indicators are displayed in the currency or conventional units (c.u.) specified in the accordance with the rules settled by Yandex in the Client Web.

8. In the event quick Links (additional Links that may be displayed in the Ad) have been provided for the Ad, they shall be displayed in the position of the Special Placement. In the event the Ad is displayed in other positions / on other pages, no quick Links shall be displayed.

On all the Advertising spaces ads may be displayed containing the working hours information, telephone number and other information specified by the Advertiser on the contact page while the Ad creating/editing.

8.1. On the Advertising spaces on the Ad networks (Section I C) ads may be displayed containing the Advertisers images (hereinafter referred to as the «Image») that should comply with the requirements available at According to the settings chosen by the Ad network participant Impressions may be performed with displaying of the Images or without any Images. Yandex does not guarantee that the Impression will be performed with displaying of the Image. The Impression on the Advertising spaces on the Ad Networks shall be deemed duly performed (in compliance with the Advertiser ads and specified by the Advertiser terms and conditions ads placing) irrespective of whether it contains the Image displayed thereon or not.

The Image may be cropped for technical reasons, in which case Yandex shall notify thereon the Advertiser via Web Interface. As regards the Ads containing such Images, the Advertiser assumes all the warranties and obligations provided for by the Offer.

8.1.1. On the Advertising Spaces on the Ad networks, ads may be displayed in accordance with the features, specified in –,16. of these Rules below: The User will see the headline of the ad, Link and Image (according to the restrictions set in these Rules), while display of the whole text of the ad will be performed after the first Click on such ad (on mobile devices and tablets), or after moving the computer mouse cursor on such ad (on the display of the PC). In case it is required to Click on an ad to see the full text of ad according to of these Rules, such Click won’t be considered for the purposes of calculation of cost of Services and won’t be reflected in the Statistics.

9. Advertiser may be given the opportunity to perform additional settings/strategies of Ads placement and additional functionalities on advertising campaigns management through the client web-interface. Applying the appropriate settings/strategies or starting to use the corresponding functionality, the Advertiser agrees with the terms of their application/usage specified in the client web-interface.

9.1. While creating the Ad the Advertiser is able to apply additional functionality «Ads for Mobile Apps» that is used for creating Ads to be displayed on mobile devices. Ads created by the Advertiser and applying additional functionality «Ads for Mobile Apps» displayed on mobile devices may include a mobile application icon, information about mobile application, a picture and a button included a link, which leads the users who clicked on it to an information resource (web site/mobile application) on the Internet with its address (URL) stated by the Advertiser for such an Advertisement. The content of the Ads created applying additional functionality «Ads for Mobile Apps» is updated once a day. The advertiser shall control the relevancy of the Ads content and cease its impression in case that the information about the mobile application becomes irrelevant.

Applying additional functionality «Ads for Mobile Apps» the Advertiser agrees that he is responsible for correspondence of the mobile application icon and information about the mobile application to the applicable legal requirements, including advertising and competition legislation, and also is responsible for the content of the Advertisement created by him with the appropriate additional functionality.

9.2. By choosing the functionality “Maintain average network CPC below average search CPC”, the Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that automatically adjusted Cost per Click would apply to all impressions of Ads within the Advertising campaigns, for which the Advertiser has chosen the above mentioned functionality, and on the Advertising spaces on the Ad networks. The Advertiser could cancel the above mentioned functionality by submitting a request to Yandex via e-mail.

9.3. The Advertiser may use the “Additional Relevant Key Phrases” option available in the Interface for preparing and placing the Ads.

The Advertiser shall have the right to delete the keywords assigned when using such a functionality via the customer support service using the feedback form at or to switch off such an option. When using “Additional Relevant Key Phrases” functionality the Advertiser shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable legal requirements, including advertising and competition legislation and third parties’ intellectual property rights.

If the Advertiser uses the “Additional Relevant Key Phrases” option, the Cost per Click shall be set automatically based on the Cost per Click set singlehandedly by the Advertiser. In this case, the Cost per Click set in the above manner cannot exceed the maximum Cost per Click set singlehandedly by the Advertiser for the keyword phrases of a correspondent Group of Ads.

9.4. While creating an advertising campaign, the Advertiser may be given the opportunity to automatically correct spelling and punctuation errors, which is used to create Ads for display on the Advertising spaces specified in these Rules. This functionality is enabled by default.

Using this functionality, the Advertiser agrees to be responsible for the compliance of the content of Ads that he created using the specified functionality with legal requirements including the requirements of the legislation on advertising.

The Advertiser has the right to cancel such a correction at any time, if he believes that the text of the Ad was corrected improperly. In this case, the Advertiser edits corrected Ads or contacts the customer support service through our feedback form at

10. Group of Ads – a set of Ads united by the Advertiser in a group of Ads for which the Advertiser has chosen the uniform list of key words/phrases and uniform display settings (including, the Cost per Click, geo-targeting, etc.). The number of Ads in the group: from 1 to 50. For display on the Advertising Spaces specified in section 2 of these Rules, only one Ad from a Group of Ads is selected according to the rules established in the client web interface. In all other respects, the terms and conditions provided by these Rules are applied equally, both to independent ads and to the ads included in the Group of ads.

11. When selecting ads to be displayed and included by the Advertiser in the Group of Ads on the Advertising Spaces specified in section 2 of these Rules, the following provision is applied in addition: the ad with the best Click-Through Rate among the ads included in the Group is mainly displayed. In the absence of sufficient statistical data for application of such provision, ads from the Group of ads to be displayed are selected according to the principles of automatic rotation of such ads.

12. The Advertiser unites the Advertisings into the group (Group of Ads) and choses the uniform list of key words/phrases and uniform display settings (including, the Cost per Click, geo-targeting, etc.). The number of Ads in the group: from 1 to 50. For display on the Advertising Spaces specified above, only one Ad from a Group of Ads is selected according to the rules established in the Interface. The terms and conditions provided by these Rules are applied equally, both to the Group of Ads and to independent Ads included in the Group of Ads. For the purposes of present document, the "Ad/Advertising" shall mean the Ad included in the Group of Ads, selected as specified in cl. 12.1. of the Rules.

12.1. When selecting ads from the Group of Ads to be displayed on the Advertising Spaces specified in the Rules, the following provision is applied in addition to the rules described above: one Ad from the Group of Ads with the best Click-Through Rate among the Ads included in the Group is mainly displayed. In the absence of sufficient statistical data for application of such provision, Ads from the Group of Ads to be displayed are selected according to the principles of automatic rotation of such ads.

13. Due to the advertising campaigns functioning, the following parameters shall be monitored to determine the minimum Cost per Click for displaying Ads on the Advertising spaces specified in present document (Cost per Click valid for search result pages):

А) Quality factor.

The Quality factor depends on a lot of parameters and shall be calculated on a real-time basis. The main parameters include the overall relevancy of an ad to a query, ad statistics, relevancy of an ad to a website page to which the Link from an ad refers, and other parameters.

Б) Efficiency factor.

The Efficiency Factor depends on a lot of parameters calculated on a real-time basis. The main parameters include statistical data (number of Impressions, CTR, number of days of the Advertising Campaign activity) aggregated by an advertised domain or phone number (if specified in a “virtual business card”).

13.1. If the Cost per Click fixed by the advertiser is lower than the minimal Cost per Click applicable for search, Ad will be displayed only the sites on the Ad networks and on the Advertising spaces on Yandex.Direct at the all Ads viewing pages (

14. «Mobile Ad» means an advertisement marked by the Advertiser as a "Mobile Ad" when created, to apply the Ads impression terms and conditions specified below. The type of an Ad cannot be changed after such Ad has been created.

14.1. When selecting ads from the Group of Ads to be displayed on the Advertising Spaces specified in the Rules, the following provisions are simultaneously applied in addition to the above rules:

14.2. if the Group involves both Mobile Ads and those that are not Mobile Ads, Ads of the first type are displayed mostly on PCs and tablets; Ads of the second type are displayed on mobile devices. If the Group involves only one type of Ads, these Ads can be displayed on any device regardless of its type;

14.3. only one Ad from the Group of Ads with the best Click-Through Rate as compared to other Ads included in that Group of Ads is mostly displayed. If there are no sufficient statistical data to apply this provision, the Ads to be displayed are selected from the Group of Ads according to the principles of automatic rotation applicable to such Ads.

15. Applying the additional setting "Set prices for mobile devices" in section “Bid adjustments”, the Advertiser accepts and agrees that the Cost per Click, increased or decreased by the percentage set by the Advertiser, applies to all impressions on mobile devices regardless of whether an ad displayed is or is not a Mobile Ad.

16. Increasing and/or decreasing rate to the Cost per Click set by the Advertiser in the Client web interface affects the selection of Ads to be displayed on Advertising spaces, specified in these Rules, the Ad position where it is supposed to be displayed, the number of Ads displayed on the specified Advertising Spaces.

The Advertiser sets the rate depending on the User characteristics: demography (gender, age).

Data based on Users’ behavior in the Internet and obtained by means of analytics technology Crypta, is used for the purposes of Users sex and age determination. Data obtained by means of Yandex.Metrica counter code installed on the Advertiser’s website is used to determine retargeting characteristics of Users. However, Yandex does not guarantee the absence of errors when using the analytics technology Crypta as well as at the determination of the above Users characteristics.

17. Selection of Ads for impression on the Advertising Spaces on the sites on the Ad networks shall be performed by Yandex automatically based on correlation between subjects of ads and the User’s interests, including basing on the data, provided by the Advertiser via “Audience” Service ( By using the “Audience” Service the Advertiser undertakes to comply with the document “Audience: Terms of Service” placed on the Internet at When choosing the “Independent Placement on Different Types of Sites” (via request to Yandex) as a display criterion in the advertising campaign parameters, the Advertiser can fix a Cost per Click for displaying ads on the sites on the Ad networks with consideration of the rate applied by the Advertiser according to cl. 16 of the Rules. The “Audience Coverage” value displayed in the Client web-interface, when the Advertiser fixes the Cost per Click to display an ad on the sites on the Ad networks, is for information purposes and means an approximate number of Impressions for that ad expressed as a percentage of the total number of Impressions for advertising materials displayed with regard to a given keyword on the sites of the Ad networks participants.

The functionality of “Maintain average network CPC below average search CPC”, described in clauses 9.2. and 18 of these Rules should apply to the Cost per Click, set by the Advertiser, in case the Advertiser chooses one of the following criteria of displaying of the Ads: “Highest available position”, “Cheapest position in ad block”, “Impressions below search results” in the settings of the Advertising campaign, In this case the Cost per Click is calculated automatically with application of the above mentioned functionality.

17.1. On such Advertising Spaces, ads may be displayed in accordance with the features, specified in 17.1.1 – 17.1.2, 16 of these Rules:

17.1.1. The User will see the headline of the Ad, Link and Image (according to the restrictions set in these Rules), while display of the whole text of the ad will be performed after the first Click on such ad (on mobile devices and tablets), or after moving the computer mouse cursor on such ad (on the display of the PC).

17.1.2. In case it is required to Click on an ad to see the full text of Ad according to 17.1.1. of these Rules, such Click won’t be considered for the purposes of calculation of cost of Services and won’t be reflected in the Statistics.

17.2. With regard to Ads displayed on the Advertising spaces specified in present clause 17 of these Rules, the Advertiser may fix a cost of service limit as a percentage of the total cost of services. This limit shall be applied to the cost of services rendered not less than during one week after the date such limit is fixed.

18. When applying the functionality “Maintain average network CPC below average search CPC” by the Advertiser, the Cost per Click is calculated for the key phrase within the Group of Ads automatically, taking into account the maximum Cost per click, set by Advertiser directly. In this case the automatically calculated Cost per Click for impression on Advertising spaces on the Ad networks, could be less than Cost per Click, deducted from the Advertiser for the impression on other Advertising spaces listed in these Rules.

19. The Advertiser may unsubscribe from Ads displayed:

  • on the Advertising spaces: on the Ad networks and on search result pages of websites participating in the YAN, by adding the relevant website address to the list of prohibited advertising sites in the advertising campaign parameters or by imposing a display prohibition with respect to a particular Ad networks participant’s website or an application, or name of a partner of the Ad network on the sites statistics page (

  • in Premium Placement positions by choosing “Displayed below search results” (via request to Yandex) as an Ad impression option in the advertising campaign parameters.

20. For technical reasons, the Ads may be displayed Yandex.Maps search result pages ( and in the Yandex.Maps mobile application in a shorthand form, in which case Yandex shall notify thereon the Advertiser via Web Interface. As regards such Ads, the Advertiser assumes all the warranties and obligations provided for by the Offer.

21. For the purposes of the Ad, if the Advertiser has completed any clarification (additional information capable to be viewed when displaying the Ads), such clarifications may be primarily placed at the first position in the Premium Placement. In this case, the Ads containing the information specified by the Advertiser when creating/editing the Ad, may be placed at the first position in the Premium Placement. Yandex shall not guarantee that the Ad will be placed with the clarification included therein. The terms and conditions of this clause shall not apply to the Smart Banners.

22. When displaying ads on Yandex SERP, the Advertiser can be offered to use the Display Link functional. When using this functional, the Advertiser can change the visual display of the Link.

With respect to the Display Link, the Advertiser shall assume all obligations and guarantees stipulated by the Offer.

Yandex does not guarantee that the Display Link will be displayed.

23. Site icon (favicon)

The Advertiser agrees that if the site to which the Link from an ad refers (except for the Smart Banner) contains in root directory a site icon (favicon.ico file) available for Yandex search system indexation (, than the ad displaying on the Advertising spaces may contain a site icon. The Advertiser shall ensure compliance of the site icon with legal requirements including those of advertising and competition legislation.

24. In order to improve the quality of Yandex.Direct system and its services, and to develop new offers for the Advertisers, Yandex may periodically carry out experiments. In the course of such experiments, Ads displayed on personal computers and mobile devices of certain Users randomly selected by the system and/or search requests may be displayed on the Advertising spaces subject to modified conditions of geo-targeting (for example, based on the region specified in the User’s search request) and condition of the Impressions of Ads including but not limited as to selection and arrangement of Ads as compared to those specified for the Advertising spaces in these Rules. While carrying out an experiment, Yandex does not guarantee that each and every Ad will be displayed in compliance with the order of placing Ads on the Advertising spaces, and selection conditions specified in these Rules and in compliance with the geo-targeting conditions and other provisions specified in these Rules, also the Impression of the Ads may be accompanied by additional information material of the Yandex Services (such as marks of the goods/shops, comments concerning the goods/materials, but not limited), as well as data/information specified by the advertiser while preparing the Advertisement in the client web interface. However, the experiments will not affect the Cost per Click fixed by the Advertiser in accordance with these Rules and will not change it in any way. Payment for the Services shall be carried out based on the Cost per Click determined in accordance with these Rules and with Yandex.Direct Online Advertising Service Terms and Conditions. Any information about the fact of running such experiments shall be made available to the Advertiser upon its request sent to the customer support service using the feedback form at specifying the reason for its submission and the number of relevant advertising campaign.



For the purposes of Services cost calculation 1 c.u. (conventional unit) equals to:

- 1,2 Turkish Lira without VAT until April 01, 2015.

- 1,07 Turkish Lira without VAT since April 01, 2015.

* This restriction of the Ads quantity does not apply to Ad network participant’s websites and mobile applications of Ad Network partners, the content of which is loaded automatically when the mobile application page/content is scrolled down.

**An «Expanded mark» - block containing the Ad text and contact details provided by the Advertiser, displayed on a map in Yandex.Maps ( and fixed to the point on the map corresponding to the address specified by the Advertiser on the contact page (provided that the Link to the contact page is included in the Ad). The mark containing the «Expanded mark» block is highlighted on the map and is displayed only on Yandex.Maps search result pages ( Advertising spaces.

Date: 13.07.2016

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