4 vacancies
Yandex Property Manager (Belgrade)
Yandex is looking for a Property Manager to oversee our Belgrade office infrastructure. Apply if you have 3+ years of facility management experience, strong planning and budgeting skills, and fluency in Serbian, English, and Russian.
Senior Procurement Manager
Yandex is looking for a Senior Procurement Manager to manage the procurement team and investigate the needs of internal customers. Apply if you have 5+ years of international procurement experience, are fluent in Russian and English, and possess strong analytical and organizational skills.
Physical Security Specialist
Yandex is looking for a Physical Security Specialist to monitor security and control access. Apply if you have operational experience, managed security teams, and are fluent in Serbian with conversational English skills.
Application Security Engineer
Yandex is looking for an Application Security Engineer to handle security for a number of the company’s services. Apply if you have 2+ years of related experience, expertise in web application security, and an understanding of *nix and containerization systems.
Wed Jun 07 2023 16:00:31 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)