
A snippet is a block of information about a webpage that is shown in search results. The snippet includes the title and description of the page, and may also contain additional information about the site.

Filter headings

Snippet headings in search results are based on the headings of the corresponding pages. Because of that, they often contain repetitions:

To filter the text of snippet headings and remove repetitions:

  1. Select the search on the My search boxes page and go to the Snippets section.

  2. In the List of phrases form, enter the repeated fragments that you want to cut out from the headings (one phrase per line).


    When searching for matches, spaces at the beginning and end of lines are taken into account.

    For the snippets in the example, you can select the filter phrases " ::" and " :: reference section ::".

Yandex Site Search will delete the specified phrases from snippet headings. If multiple matches are found, the longest one is deleted.

As a result, the original example will look like this:

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