List of exported data fields: sessions
Note. Because of how data streaming works, data within sessions is progressively modified as new events are being recorded. As a result, the exported data will have different versions of the same session. Take this into consideration when building analytics.
Field | Type | Description |
CounterID | UInt32 | ID of the tag |
StartDate | Date | Session start date |
Sign | Int8 | Indicator of the recording status in the incremental log |
VisitID | UInt64 | Session ID |
Duration | UInt32 | Session duration in seconds |
UTCStartTime | DateTime | Session start timestamp |
PageViews | Int32 | Pageviews |
IsBounce | UInt8 | Whether the session is a bounce |
Referer | String | Referrer |
StartURL | String | URL the session started from |
EndURL | String | URL the session ended with |
LinkURL | String | URL of an external link if it was clicked |
MobilePhoneModel | String | Full name of the mobile phone model |
ClientIP | UInt32 | IPv4 address from which a TCP connection to the server was established |
ClientIP6 | FixedString(16) | IPv6 address from which a TCP connection to the server was established |
ResolutionWidth | UInt16 | Screen width |
ResolutionHeight | UInt16 | Screen height |
UserAgentMajor | UInt16 | Major version number of the browser |
WindowClientWidth | UInt16 | Client window width |
WindowClientHeight | UInt16 | Client window height |
ClientTimeZone | Int16 | Time zone on the client |
DevicePixelRatio | Float32 | Pixel ratio (zoom factor) |
OS | UInt8 | User's operating system |
UserAgent | UInt8 | User's browser |
ResolutionDepth | UInt8 | Color depth |
CookieEnable | UInt8 | Whether cookies are enabled |
JavascriptEnable | UInt8 | Whether JavaScript is enabled |
IsMobile | UInt8 | Mobile browser flag |
IsTablet | UInt8 | Tablet flag |
BrowserLanguage | UInt16 | Language selected in the browser settings |
BrowserCountry | UInt16 | Country selected in the browser settings |
BrowserEngineID | UInt8 | Browser engine ID |
BrowserEngineVersion1 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion2 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion3 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion4 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
Goals.ID | Array(UInt32) | ID of the goals completed within this session |
Goals.Serial | Array(UInt32) | Serial numbers of completed goals with a specific ID |
Goals.EventTime | Array(DateTime) | Time of each goal completion |
Goals.Price | Array(Int64) | Goal value |
Goals.OrderID | Array(String) | Order ID |
Goals.CurrencyID | Array(UInt32) | Currency ID |
Goals.CallTalkDuration | Array(UInt32) | Call duration in seconds |
Goals.CallHoldDuration | Array(UInt32) | Call hold duration in seconds |
Goals.CallMissed | Array(UInt32) | Whether the call was missed |
Goals.CallFirstTimeCaller | Array(UInt32) | Whether that was the first call from this customer |
Goals.CallTag | Array(String) | Tags associated with the call |
Goals.CallURL | Array(String) | Page from which the call was made |
Goals.CallTrackerURL | Array(String) | Call tracker URL |
WatchIDs | Array(UInt64) | Hits that occurred during this session, excluding session parameters |
FirstVisit | DateTime | Date and time of the user's first session |
ParsedParams.Key1 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 1 |
ParsedParams.Key2 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 2 |
ParsedParams.Key3 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 3 |
ParsedParams.Key4 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 4 |
ParsedParams.Key5 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 5 |
ParsedParams.Key6 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 6 |
ParsedParams.Key7 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 7 |
ParsedParams.Key8 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 8 |
ParsedParams.Key9 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 9 |
ParsedParams.Key10 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 10 |
ParsedParams.Quantity | Array(UInt32) | Number of parameters |
HasGoalReachesOverflow | UInt8 | The number of goals in the session or their data volume has overflown the maximum allowable value |
IsTV | UInt8 | Whether the session is from a TV |
EPromotion.ID | Array(String) | Promo campaign ID |
EPromotion.Name | Array(String) | Promo campaign name |
EPromotion.Creative | Array(String) | Ad banner name |
EPromotion.CreativeSlot | Array(String) | Ad banner slot |
EPromotion.Position | Array(String) | Ad banner position |
EPromotion.URL | Array(String) | Page on which the event occurred |
EPromotion.EventTime | Array(DateTime) | Time when the event occurred |
EPromotion.Type | Array(UInt8) | Type of event that happened in the promo campaign, where 1 means a pageview, and 2 means a click |
EPurchase.ID | Array(String) | Transaction ID |
EPurchase.EventTime | Array(DateTime) | Transaction time |
EPurchase.Affiliation | Array(String) | Store or branch where the transaction occurred |
EPurchase.Revenue | Array(Int64) | Total revenue or total value of the transaction |
EPurchase.Tax | Array(Int64) | Sum of all taxes for the transaction |
EPurchase.Shipping | Array(Int64) | Delivery cost associated with the transaction |
EPurchase.Coupon | Array(String) | Coupon redeemed during the transaction |
EPurchase.Currency | Array(String) | Transaction currency |
EPurchaseOverflow | UInt8 | Number of elements in the EPurchase.ID array exceeds the maximum allowed value |
EPurchase.CurrencyID | Array(UInt16) | Transaction currency code |
EPurchase.ProductQuantity | Array(Int64) | Item quantity. |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ID | Array(String) | Transaction ID |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductDiscount | Array(String) | Size of the discount on an item in the order |
EPurchaseWithProducts.EventTime | Array(DateTime) | Transaction time |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Affiliation | Array(String) | Store or branch where the transaction occurred |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Revenue | Array(Int64) | Total revenue or total value of the transaction |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Tax | Array(Int64) | Sum of all taxes for the transaction |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Shipping | Array(Int64) | Delivery cost associated with the transaction |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Coupon | Array(String) | Coupon redeemed during the transaction |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductID | Array(String) | Product ID or code |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductName | Array(String) | Product name |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductList | Array(String) | A list that includes the products related to the transaction |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductBrand | Array(String) | Brand of the product |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory | Array(String) | Product category |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory1 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory2 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory3 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory4 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory5 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductVariant | Array(String) | Product variant |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductPosition | Array(Int32) | Product's position in the list or collection |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductPrice | Array(Int64) | Product price |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCurrency | Array(String) | Product currency |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCoupon | Array(String) | Code of the coupon associated with the product |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Quantity | Array(Int64) | Item quantity. |
EPurchaseWithProductsOverflow | UInt8 | Whether the limit on EPurchaseWithProducts has been reached |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Currency | Array(String) | Product currency |
EPurchaseWithProducts.CurrencyID | Array(UInt16) | Product currency code |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCurrencyID | Array(UInt16) | Product currency code |
EAction.ProductName | Array(String) | Product name |
EAction.ProductID | Array(String) | Product ID or code |
EAction.ProductDiscount | Array(String) | Discount amount on the product |
EAction.ProductList | Array(String) | A list that includes the products related to the transaction |
EAction.ProductBrand | Array(String) | Brand of the product |
EAction.ProductCategory | Array(String) | Product category |
EAction.ProductCategory1 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EAction.ProductCategory2 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EAction.ProductCategory3 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EAction.ProductCategory4 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EAction.ProductCategory5 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EAction.ProductVariant | Array(String) | Product variant |
EAction.ProductPosition | Array(Int32) | Product's position in the list or collection |
EAction.ProductPrice | Array(Int64) | Product price |
EAction.ProductCurrency | Array(String) | Product currency |
EAction.ProductCoupon | Array(String) | Code of the coupon associated with the product |
EAction.ProductQuantity | Array(Int64) | Item quantity. |
EAction.EventTime | Array(DateTime) | Event time |
EAction.Type | Array(UInt8) | Event type
More information |
EAction.ProductCurrencyID | Array(UInt16) | Product currency code |
EActionOverflow | UInt8 | Reaching the EAction limit |
FirstPartyCookie | UInt64 | Domain cookie |
MobilePhoneVendor | UInt16 | Mobile phone vendor |
NetworkType | UInt8 | Connection type |
UserAgentVersion2 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 2 |
UserAgentVersion3 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 3 |
UserAgentVersion4 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 4 |
VisitVersion | UInt32 | Session version |
PublisherEvents.TraficSource | Array(Int8) | Traffic source for the article |
PublisherEvents.EventID | Array(UInt64) | WatchID of the pageview for the article |
PublisherEvents.PublicationTime | Array(DateTime) | Article publication date |
PublisherEvents.ArticleID | Array(UInt32) | Article ID |
PublisherEvents.Title | Array(String) | Article title |
PublisherEvents.Rubric | Array(String) | Article category |
PublisherEvents.Rubric2 | Array(String) | Second-level article category |
PublisherEvents.Topics | Array(Array(String)) | Article topics |
PublisherEvents.Authors | Array(Array(String)) | Article authors |
PublisherEvents.InvolvedTime | Array(UInt32) | How much time the user spent viewing the article |
PublisherEvents.ScrollDown | Array(UInt8) | Shows the scroll depth of the article |
PublisherEvents.Chars | Array(UInt32) | Character count for the article's text |
PublisherEvents.ArticleHeight | Array(UInt32) | Article's height in pixels |
PublisherEvents.URLCanonical | Array(String) | Canonical URL of the article |
PublisherEvents.SearchEngineID | Array(UInt16) | Traffic source for the article: search engine |
PublisherEvents.AdvEngineID | Array(UInt8) | Traffic source for the article: ad system |
PublisherEvents.SocialSourceNetworkID | Array(UInt8) | Traffic source for the article: social network |
PublisherEvents.ReferrerDomain | Array(String) | Traffic source for the article: referrer domain |
PublisherEvents.ReferrerPath | Array(String) | Traffic source for the article: referrer path |
PublisherEvents.FromArticleID | Array(UInt32) | ID of the article that referred to the current article |
PublisherEvents.HasRecircled | Array(UInt8) | Whether the pageview lead to recirculation (whether the user opened another article on the site) |
PublisherEvents.HitEventTime | Array(DateTime) | Hit time |
EAction.URL | Array(String) | EAction event URL |
PublisherEvents.RecommendationSystemID | Array(UInt8) | Traffic source for the article: recommendation system |
PublisherEvents.MessengerID | Array(UInt8) | Traffic source for the article: messenger |
PublisherEvents.TurboType | Array(Enum8) | Turbo type |
OSFamily | String | Operating system family |
OSName | String | Operating system name |
TrafficSource.Model | Array(Enum8) | Attribution type ID |
TrafficSource.StartTime | Array(DateTime) | Session start date and time |
TrafficSource.ID | Array(Int8) | Traffic source ID |
TrafficSource.SearchEngineID | Array(UInt16) | Search engine ID (detailed) |
TrafficSource.SocialSourceNetworkID | Array(UInt8) | ID of the social network the click came from |
TrafficSource.Domain | Array(String) | Referral traffic |
TrafficSource.SocialSourcePage | Array(String) | Social network page the click came from |
TrafficSource.RecommendationSystemID | Array(UInt8) | Recommendation system ID |
TrafficSource.MessengerID | Array(UInt8) | Messenger ID |
TrafficSource.OpenstatServiceName | Array(String) | Name of the openstat tag, site |
TrafficSource.OpenstatCampaignID | Array(String) | ID of the openstat campaign |
TrafficSource.OpenstatAdID | Array(String) | ID of the openstat ad |
TrafficSource.OpenstatSourceID | Array(String) | Type of the openstat ad |
TrafficSource.UTMSource | Array(String) | utm_source value |
TrafficSource.UTMMedium | Array(String) | utm_medium value |
TrafficSource.UTMCampaign | Array(String) | utm_campaign value |
TrafficSource.UTMContent | Array(String) | utm_content value |
TrafficSource.UTMTerm | Array(String) | utm_term value |
TrafficSource.FromTag | Array(String) | “from” value from the URL |
TrafficSource.CLID | Array(UInt32) | URL clid parameter |
TrafficSource.DirectCLID | Array(UInt64) | Yandex Direct ad click ID. YCLID |
TrafficSource.HasGCLID | Array(UInt8) | Whether the adWords tag (Google Click ID) is present |
TrafficSource.GCLID | Array(String) | adWords tag (Google Click ID) |
TrafficSource.ClickBannerID | Array(UInt64) | Ad ID |
TrafficSource.ClickTargetType | Array(UInt16) | Placement site |
TrafficSource.ClickGroupBannerID | Array(UInt64) | Yandex Direct ad group ID |
TrafficSource.ClickDirectCampaignID | Array(UInt32) | Yandex Direct campaign ID |
CDPOrder.ID | Array(UInt64) | SipHash(toString(OrderID) |
CDPOrder.UserID | Array(UInt64) | SipHash(toString(UserID) |
CDPOrder.Version | Array(UInt32) | Order version |
CDPOrder.CreateTime | Array(DateTime) | Order creation time |
CDPOrder.UpdateTime | Array(DateTime) | Order update time |
CDPOrder.Revenue | Array(UInt64) | Order cost uploaded by the user |
CDPOrder.Cost | Array(UInt64) | Order value uploaded by the user |
CDPOrder.Status | Array(UInt8) | Order status |
CDPOrder.ProductNames | Array(Array(String)) | Names of products in the order |
CDPOrder.ProductQuantities | Array(Array(UInt32)) | Quantities of products in the order |
RegionID | UInt32 | ID of the user's region |
OSStr | String | String ID of the user's operating system (detailed) |
OSRoot | UInt8 | ID of the user's operating system group |
OSRootStr | String | String ID of the user's operating system group |
UserAgentStr | String | String ID of the user's browser |
BrowserEngineStrID | String | String ID of the browser engine |
EAction.TypeStr | Array(String) | String ID of the event type |
MobilePhoneVendorStr | String | String ID of the mobile phone vendor |
NetworkTypeStr | String | String ID of the network connection type |
PublisherEvents.TrafficSourceStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the traffic source for the article |
PublisherEvents.SearchEngineStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the traffic source for the article: search engine |
PublisherEvents.AdvEngineStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the traffic source for the article: ad system |
PublisherEvents.SocialSourceNetworkStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the traffic source for the article: social network |
PublisherEvents.RecommendationSystemStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the traffic source for the article: recommendation system |
PublisherEvents.MessengerStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the traffic source for the article: messenger |
PublisherEvents.TurboTypeStr | Array(String) | String ID of the Turbo type |
TrafficSource.ModelStr | Array(String) | String ID of the attribution type |
TrafficSource.StrID | Array(String) | String ID of the traffic source |
TrafficSource.SearchEngineStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the search engine (detailed) |
TrafficSource.SearchEngineRootID | Array(UInt16) | Search engine ID |
TrafficSource.SearchEngineRootStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the search engine |
TrafficSource.AdvEnginePlaceID | Array(UInt64) | Ad system ID |
TrafficSource.AdvEnginePlaceStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the ad system |
TrafficSource.SocialSourceNetworkStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the social network the click came from |
TrafficSource.RecommendationSystemStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the recommendation system |
TrafficSource.MessengerStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the messenger |
TrafficSource.QRCodeProviderID | Array(UInt16) | QR code provider |
TrafficSource.QRCodeProviderStrID | Array(String) | String ID of the QR code provider |
TrafficSource.YQRID | Array(String) | Unique tag added by the Yandex QR generator |
UserIDHash | UInt64 | User ID that is unique per tag, even if the tag is installed on different domains |
Field | Type | Description |
CounterID | UInt32 | ID of the tag |
StartDate | Date | Session start date |
Sign | Int8 | Indicator of the recording status in the incremental log |
VisitID | UInt64 | Session ID |
Duration | UInt32 | Session duration in seconds |
UTCStartTime | DateTime | Session start timestamp |
PageViews | Int32 | Pageviews |
IsBounce | UInt8 | Whether the session is a bounce |
Referer | String | Referrer |
StartURL | String | URL the session started from |
EndURL | String | URL the session ended with |
LinkURL | String | URL of an external link if it was clicked |
MobilePhoneModel | String | Full name of the mobile phone model |
ClientIP | UInt32 | IPv4 address from which a TCP connection to the server was established |
ClientIP6 | FixedString(16) | IPv6 address from which a TCP connection to the server was established |
ResolutionWidth | UInt16 | Screen width |
ResolutionHeight | UInt16 | Screen height |
UserAgentMajor | UInt16 | Major version number of the browser |
WindowClientWidth | UInt16 | Client window width |
WindowClientHeight | UInt16 | Client window height |
ClientTimeZone | Int16 | Time zone on the client |
DevicePixelRatio | Float32 | Pixel ratio (zoom factor) |
OS | UInt8 | User's operating system |
UserAgent | UInt8 | User's browser |
ResolutionDepth | UInt8 | Color depth |
CookieEnable | UInt8 | Whether cookies are enabled |
JavascriptEnable | UInt8 | Whether JavaScript is enabled |
IsMobile | UInt8 | Mobile browser flag |
IsTablet | UInt8 | Tablet flag |
BrowserLanguage | UInt16 | Language selected in the browser settings |
BrowserCountry | UInt16 | Country selected in the browser settings |
BrowserEngineID | UInt8 | Browser engine ID |
BrowserEngineVersion1 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion2 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion3 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
BrowserEngineVersion4 | UInt16 | Browser engine version |
Goals.ID | Array(UInt32) | ID of the goals completed within this session |
Goals.Serial | Array(UInt32) | Serial numbers of completed goals with a specific ID |
Goals.EventTime | Array(DateTime) | Time of each goal completion |
Goals.Price | Array(Int64) | Goal value |
Goals.OrderID | Array(String) | Order ID |
Goals.CurrencyID | Array(UInt32) | Currency ID |
Goals.CallTalkDuration | Array(UInt32) | Call duration in seconds |
Goals.CallHoldDuration | Array(UInt32) | Call hold duration in seconds |
Goals.CallMissed | Array(UInt32) | Whether the call was missed |
Goals.CallFirstTimeCaller | Array(UInt32) | Whether that was the first call from this customer |
Goals.CallTag | Array(String) | Tags associated with the call |
Goals.CallURL | Array(String) | Page from which the call was made |
Goals.CallTrackerURL | Array(String) | Call tracker URL |
WatchIDs | Array(UInt64) | Hits that occurred during this session, excluding session parameters |
FirstVisit | DateTime | Date and time of the user's first session |
ParsedParams.Key1 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 1 |
ParsedParams.Key2 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 2 |
ParsedParams.Key3 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 3 |
ParsedParams.Key4 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 4 |
ParsedParams.Key5 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 5 |
ParsedParams.Key6 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 6 |
ParsedParams.Key7 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 7 |
ParsedParams.Key8 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 8 |
ParsedParams.Key9 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 9 |
ParsedParams.Key10 | Array(String) | Parameter, level 10 |
ParsedParams.Quantity | Array(UInt32) | Number of parameters |
HasGoalReachesOverflow | UInt8 | The number of goals in the session or their data volume has overflown the maximum allowable value |
IsTV | UInt8 | Whether the session is from a TV |
EPromotion.ID | Array(String) | Promo campaign ID |
EPromotion.Name | Array(String) | Promo campaign name |
EPromotion.Creative | Array(String) | Ad banner name |
EPromotion.CreativeSlot | Array(String) | Ad banner slot |
EPromotion.Position | Array(String) | Ad banner position |
EPromotion.URL | Array(String) | Page on which the event occurred |
EPromotion.EventTime | Array(DateTime) | Time when the event occurred |
EPromotion.Type | Array(UInt8) | Type of event that happened in the promo campaign, where 1 means a pageview, and 2 means a click |
EPurchase.ID | Array(String) | Transaction ID |
EPurchase.EventTime | Array(DateTime) | Transaction time |
EPurchase.Affiliation | Array(String) | Store or branch where the transaction occurred |
EPurchase.Revenue | Array(Int64) | Total revenue or total value of the transaction |
EPurchase.Tax | Array(Int64) | Sum of all taxes for the transaction |
EPurchase.Shipping | Array(Int64) | Delivery cost associated with the transaction |
EPurchase.Coupon | Array(String) | Coupon redeemed during the transaction |
EPurchase.Currency | Array(String) | Transaction currency |
EPurchaseOverflow | UInt8 | Number of elements in the EPurchase.ID array exceeds the maximum allowed value |
EPurchase.CurrencyID | Array(UInt16) | Transaction currency code |
EPurchase.ProductQuantity | Array(Int64) | Item quantity. |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ID | Array(String) | Transaction ID |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductDiscount | Array(String) | Size of the discount on an item in the order |
EPurchaseWithProducts.EventTime | Array(DateTime) | Transaction time |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Affiliation | Array(String) | Store or branch where the transaction occurred |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Revenue | Array(Int64) | Total revenue or total value of the transaction |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Tax | Array(Int64) | Sum of all taxes for the transaction |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Shipping | Array(Int64) | Delivery cost associated with the transaction |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Coupon | Array(String) | Coupon redeemed during the transaction |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductID | Array(String) | Product ID or code |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductName | Array(String) | Product name |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductList | Array(String) | A list that includes the products related to the transaction |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductBrand | Array(String) | Brand of the product |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory | Array(String) | Product category |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory1 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory2 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory3 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory4 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCategory5 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductVariant | Array(String) | Product variant |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductPosition | Array(Int32) | Product's position in the list or collection |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductPrice | Array(Int64) | Product price |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCurrency | Array(String) | Product currency |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCoupon | Array(String) | Code of the coupon associated with the product |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Quantity | Array(Int64) | Item quantity. |
EPurchaseWithProductsOverflow | UInt8 | Whether the limit on EPurchaseWithProducts has been reached |
EPurchaseWithProducts.Currency | Array(String) | Product currency |
EPurchaseWithProducts.CurrencyID | Array(UInt16) | Product currency code |
EPurchaseWithProducts.ProductCurrencyID | Array(UInt16) | Product currency code |
EAction.ProductName | Array(String) | Product name |
EAction.ProductID | Array(String) | Product ID or code |
EAction.ProductDiscount | Array(String) | Discount amount on the product |
EAction.ProductList | Array(String) | A list that includes the products related to the transaction |
EAction.ProductBrand | Array(String) | Brand of the product |
EAction.ProductCategory | Array(String) | Product category |
EAction.ProductCategory1 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EAction.ProductCategory2 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EAction.ProductCategory3 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EAction.ProductCategory4 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EAction.ProductCategory5 | Array(String) | Product's's subcategory |
EAction.ProductVariant | Array(String) | Product variant |
EAction.ProductPosition | Array(Int32) | Product's position in the list or collection |
EAction.ProductPrice | Array(Int64) | Product price |
EAction.ProductCurrency | Array(String) | Product currency |
EAction.ProductCoupon | Array(String) | Code of the coupon associated with the product |
EAction.ProductQuantity | Array(Int64) | Item quantity. |
EAction.EventTime | Array(DateTime) | Event time |
EAction.Type | Array(UInt8) | Event type
More information |
EAction.ProductCurrencyID | Array(UInt16) | Product currency code |
EActionOverflow | UInt8 | Reaching the EAction limit |
FirstPartyCookie | UInt64 | Domain cookie |
MobilePhoneVendor | UInt16 | Mobile phone vendor |
NetworkType | UInt8 | Connection type |
UserAgentVersion2 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 2 |
UserAgentVersion3 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 3 |
UserAgentVersion4 | UInt32 | Full browser version, number 4 |
VisitVersion | UInt32 | Session version |
PublisherEvents.TraficSource | Array(Int8) | Traffic source for the article |
PublisherEvents.EventID | Array(UInt64) | WatchID of the pageview for the article |
PublisherEvents.PublicationTime | Array(DateTime) | Article publication date |
PublisherEvents.ArticleID | Array(UInt32) | Article ID |
PublisherEvents.Title | Array(String) | Article title |
PublisherEvents.Rubric | Array(String) | Article category |
PublisherEvents.Rubric2 | Array(String) | Second-level article category |
PublisherEvents.Topics | Array(Array(String)) | Article topics |
PublisherEvents.Authors | Array(Array(String)) | Article authors |
PublisherEvents.InvolvedTime | Array(UInt32) | How much time the user spent viewing the article |
PublisherEvents.ScrollDown | Array(UInt8) | Shows the scroll depth of the article |
PublisherEvents.Chars | Array(UInt32) | Character count for the article's text |
PublisherEvents.ArticleHeight | Array(UInt32) | Article's height in pixels |
PublisherEvents.URLCanonical | Array(String) | Canonical URL of the article |
PublisherEvents.SearchEngineID | Array(UInt16) | Traffic source for the article: search engine |
PublisherEvents.AdvEngineID | Array(UInt8) | Traffic source for the article: ad system |
PublisherEvents.SocialSourceNetworkID | Array(UInt8) | Traffic source for the article: social network |
PublisherEvents.ReferrerDomain | Array(String) | Traffic source for the article: referrer domain |
PublisherEvents.ReferrerPath | Array(String) | Traffic source for the article: referrer path |
PublisherEvents.FromArticleID | Array(UInt32) | ID of the article that referred to the current article |
PublisherEvents.HasRecircled | Array(UInt8) | Whether the pageview lead to recirculation (whether the user opened another article on the site) |
PublisherEvents.HitEventTime | Array(DateTime) | Hit time |
EAction.URL | Array(String) | EAction event URL |
PublisherEvents.RecommendationSystemID | Array(UInt8) | Traffic source for the article: recommendation system |
PublisherEvents.MessengerID | Array(UInt8) | Traffic source for the article: messenger |
PublisherEvents.TurboType | Array(Enum8) | Turbo type |
OSFamily | String | Operating system family |
OSName | String | Operating system name |
TrafficSource.Model | Array(Enum8) | Attribution type ID |
TrafficSource.StartTime | Array(DateTime) | Session start date and time |
TrafficSource.ID | Array(Int8) | Traffic source ID |
TrafficSource.SearchEngineID | Array(UInt16) | Search engine ID (detailed) |
TrafficSource.SocialSourceNetworkID | Array(UInt8) | ID of the social network the click came from |
TrafficSource.Domain | Array(String) | Referral traffic |
TrafficSource.SocialSourcePage | Array(String) | Social network page the click came from |
TrafficSource.RecommendationSystemID | Array(UInt8) | Recommendation system ID |
TrafficSource.MessengerID | Array(UInt8) | Messenger ID |
TrafficSource.OpenstatServiceName | Array(String) | Name of the openstat tag, site |
TrafficSource.OpenstatCampaignID | Array(String) | ID of the openstat campaign |
TrafficSource.OpenstatAdID | Array(String) | ID of the openstat ad |
TrafficSource.OpenstatSourceID | Array(String) | Type of the openstat ad |
TrafficSource.UTMSource | Array(String) | utm_source value |
TrafficSource.UTMMedium | Array(String) | utm_medium value |
TrafficSource.UTMCampaign | Array(String) | utm_campaign value |
TrafficSource.UTMContent | Array(String) | utm_content value |
TrafficSource.UTMTerm | Array(String) | utm_term value |
TrafficSource.FromTag | Array(String) | “from” value from the URL |
TrafficSource.CLID | Array(UInt32) | URL clid parameter |
TrafficSource.DirectCLID | Array(UInt64) | Yandex Direct ad click ID. YCLID |
TrafficSource.HasGCLID | Array(UInt8) | Whether the adWords tag (Google Click ID) is present |
TrafficSource.GCLID | Array(String) | adWords tag (Google Click ID) |
TrafficSource.ClickBannerID | Array(UInt64) | Ad ID |
TrafficSource.ClickTargetType | Array(UInt16) | Placement site |
TrafficSource.ClickGroupBannerID | Array(UInt64) | Yandex Direct ad group ID |
TrafficSource.ClickDirectCampaignID | Array(UInt32) | Yandex Direct campaign ID |
CDPOrder.ID | Array(UInt64) | SipHash(toString(OrderID) |
CDPOrder.UserID | Array(UInt64) | SipHash(toString(UserID) |
CDPOrder.Version | Array(UInt32) | Order version |
CDPOrder.CreateTime | Array(DateTime) | Order creation time |
CDPOrder.UpdateTime | Array(DateTime) | Order update time |
CDPOrder.Revenue | Array(UInt64) | Order cost uploaded by the user |
CDPOrder.Cost | Array(UInt64) | Order value uploaded by the user |
CDPOrder.Status | Array(UInt8) | Order status |
CDPOrder.ProductNames | Array(Array(String)) | Names of products in the order |
CDPOrder.ProductQuantities | Array(Array(UInt32)) | Quantities of products in the order |
RegionID | UInt32 | ID of the user's region |
OSStr | String | String ID of the user's operating system (detailed) |
OSRoot | UInt8 | ID of the user's operating system group |
OSRootStr | String | String ID of the user's operating system group |