General terms
- Widget
A graphic module that summarizes statistics about the website and its users. Widgets are displayed on the Dashboard in Yandex Metrica
- Session (visit)
A sequence of actions (activity) performed on the website by a single user (on a single tag). User activity is considered: pageviews, clicks on outbound links, file downloads, and triggers of the functions reachGoal, hit, params, extLink, file, notBounce.
The session ends when there is no activity for a certain amount of time. By default, this is 30 minutes. You can set a different amount of time using the session timeout option.
For example, the timeout is 30 minutes. A user opens the website and views several pages: the session is registered. Then the user leaves the browser tab open and walks away. Returning 35 minutes later (the timeout period has expired), the user goes to another page on the website. This pageview is considered a new session.
- Outbound click
When a user exits your website by clicking an outbound link to any other website.
- Outbound link
- A link on your website that leads to an external website.
- Internal traffic
- A click from one page on your website that leads to another page on your website. The website in question is located at the URL specified in your tag settings.
- Time on website
- The time difference between the first and last event in the session. Events are various actions, such as views, clicks on external links, file downloads, and goal completion, including calling functions like extLink, file, and reachGoal.
- Site pages load (including page refreshes).
- AJAX site updates are detected by the hash parameter changing in the address bar (#fragment).
- Data is sent using the hit method.
More information about pageviewsPageviews are registered when:
- Page depth
- The number of pageviews on the website during a single session.
- Dimension
Attribute that represents user actions registered by the tag (for example, session, pageview, referral, file download, etc.). Data sent in a report is grouped by attribute.
- Conversion
- Meeting the criteria set in the goal parameters within a single user session.
- Page loading
The process of displaying webpage contents. There are several stages of loading:
- Processing DNS requests.
- Processing redirects.
- Connecting to the server.
- Getting the server response.
- Processing HTML.
Detailed information about page loading is available in the Page load time report.
- Uploading the file
A file download from the website.
- Source
The means by which a user arrived at the website: from an ad, search results, social network, or other source.
- Conversion rate
The number of conversions as a percentage of the total number of sessions.
- Tag label
A URL parameter processed by Yandex Metrica using a special algorithm. It's not displayed in the "URL parameters" report. Instead, it's included in special reports. This lets you create more intuitive and thorough analytic segments.
- Yandex Metrica
A numerical value that is based on an attribute of a session or pageview. This amount can be the total or average. For example, pageviews are calculated as the total of all values, and session depth is calculated as the average value.
- Tag number
- A unique number that identifies the data store associated with the tag. It is assigned by the system automatically when the tag is created, and can't be changed. It is specified during initialization of the tag on a page.
- Bounce
A session is considered a bounce if it meets all of the following criteria at once:
- The session length was less than the length set for bounce tracking (by default, 15 seconds).
- A “non-bounce” service event was not registered.
DetailsFor calculating a session's length, user activity is considered: pageviews, clicks on outbound links, file downloads, and triggers of the functions hit, params, extLink, file, notBounce.
The “non-bounce” service event is generated in the browser when the set bounce tracking time has passed since the beginning of the session. The registered event time might differ from the actual time due to discrepancies in the time on the server and on the client, or due to latency in sending the event. As a result, a non-bounce session might be registered that is shorter than 15 seconds (or whatever time you set).
- User
An internet user who visited your website during a particular time interval.
In all Yandex Metrica reports users are registered based on anonymous browser IDs that are saved as cookies. A user who returns to your website after they delete their cookies will be considered new.
- Cross-device user
A user that Yandex Metrica identifies based on data about different browsers used by the same person. This data is combined using Crypta technology.
- Pageview (hit)
Loading one of a website's pages when a user navigates to it. Pageviews also include page refreshes, AJAX site updates, and sending data using the hit method.
- Direct traffic (hit)
- Incoming traffic from entering the URL in the address bar, clicking saved links, and the like. Other kinds of incoming traffic may also fall under "direct traffic" if Yandex Metrica couldn't recognize the source by referrer or tag.
- Robot
- Programs that crawl the site for a specific purpose. For example, for indexing a site or checking its operation. Some robots present themselves: they pass their name in the User agent. Others disguise themselves as real users. Yandex Metrica detects sessions of such robots by their behavior and other technical characteristics. Such robots are called behavioral robots. Learn more.
- Segment
Some of the sessions or pageviews, which are selected by a formal attribute (for example, the number of pages viewed).
- Tag
JavaScript code that the service uses to collect statistical data.
It is also a Yandex Metrica tracking unit, i.e., a container for collecting all information about sessions on your website.
- Unique call
- A goal that is created in Yandex Metrica when sending call data (for example, using call tracking services). It is used to track first-time calls. For more information, see Call goals.
- Unique target call
- A goal that is created in Yandex Metrica when sending call data (for example, using call tracking services). It is used for tracking first-time calls with a duration longer than 30 seconds. For more information, see Call goals.
- Target call
- A goal that is created in Yandex Metrica when sending call data (for example, using call tracking services). It is used to track calls in which the conversation lasted longer than 30 seconds. For more information, see Call goals.
- Goal
A user action that the website owner is interested in: viewing a specific page, clicking a particular element (such as the “Proceed to Checkout” button), and so on. For more information about types of goals and how to configure them, see Goals.
- Conversion
A session in which a goal was completed.
- Conversion metric
A numerical value calculated for the goal specified in the report. This amount can be the total or average. For example, conversions are calculated as the total of all values, and conversions per user are calculated as the average value.
- Goal-based report
A Yandex Metrica report that specifies a previously created goal. The report shows conversion metrics that are calculated for the specified goal.
- Target user
- A user who meets the condition set in the goal parameters.
- ClientID
- Unique website user ID created automatically by Yandex Metrica. The ID is anonymous, randomly generated, and is associated with the browser where the user opened the website. It is used for transmitting user parameters and tracking offline conversions.
- UserID
- Website user ID set by the website owner, for example, via CRM.Used for transmitting user parameters and for tracking offline conversions.
- yclid
The ID of a click on a Yandex Direct ad assigned by Yandex Direct. It is passed in the ad's URL. Used for tracking a website traffic source.
Yandex Advertising Network report terms
To learn more about these terms, go to Yandex Advertising Network reports.
Content analytics terms
To learn more about these terms, see Indicators.