Display problems

Ad is not displaying

An ad that has passed moderation is usually not served because:

No money on the shared account or campaign account

Check the balance on your shared account or campaign account.

Perhaps your account ran low or ran out, although the statistics doesn't show any spending. The report statistics and account balance are updated at different times, and the values might differ for an active campaign, especially if the campaign spending is high.

Statistics in different Yandex Direct reports are also updated at different times. Report Wizard provides the most up-to-date information.

Hence when you viewed the statistics, you could had already spent the money, but the data on impressions, clicks, and costs hadn't been updated in the reports yet.

Before starting to analyze costs using reports, be sure that the data is up-to-date: the data update time is shown in the lower-left corner of the report (Updated label).

Activation is not complete

If you changed settings for your campaign, strategy, or ads, impressions will follow previous settings during the activation period: the system needs some time to apply the changes. The activation can take up to 180 minutes, see clause 4.1 of the Ad serving rules.

Activation also starts after money is credited to the account if the balance was zero and the campaign was inactive.

Here are some causes for activation to begin:
  • Paying an invoice at zero balance.

  • Enabling a campaign or individual ad.

  • Changing the campaign settings, ad group settings, or strategy.

    Changing these settings may affect impressions:
    • Start date: If the start date was set to a later date, and you set the current date.
    • Impression schedule: If there were no impressions at the checked time before, but now there should be impressions.
    • Display regions: If you enabled new regions and are testing ad impressions in one of the regions.
    • Strategy: If the impressions were disabled on search, but now you have enabled them.
  • Passing moderation.

    If you changed the ad, the search results will show the new version only after moderation is successful and activation is complete (up to 180 minutes under clause 4.1 of the Ad serving rules).

    The activation process begins after the ads are checked and approved.

    Any ads that are stopped or belong to a stopped campaign are only sent for activation after they are enabled. For example, if the campaign was moderated at 12:00, but the ads were enabled at 13:00, the activation time must be counted from the time the ads were enabled.

  • Stopping or resuming impressions using site availability monitoring.

If you made such changes over the past 180 minutes, wait until activation is complete.

Bids are too low

Impressions on the first page might not run if you manually set bids for keywords at a level below the minimum CPC (the “Manual bid management” strategy is running) or the system set bids that low when running automatic strategies (see clause 3.10.1 of the Ad serving rules).

You can check if the ads are served on other pages. To do this, go to the search section with the number of results and click Show all (next to the Place ad link). This will open the page with all the ads shown for the query.

The ratio of your daily budget or account balance to the bids is too low.

Evaluate the ratio of your daily budget or account balance to the bids. If they are used up in only a few clicks, impressions might be unstable.

It's better to increase your budget or decrease your bids.

The ad failed moderation or passed it partially

The ad won't be served until it fully passes moderation.

If you made changes to an ad and it was submitted for moderation, but didn't pass moderation completely yet, then the old version of the ad is displayed (even if you can see the new ad version in the interface).

Until the new version of the ad fully passes moderation and activation is complete (up to 180 minutes under clause 4.1 of the Ad serving rules), the previous version is served, and the Yandex Direct interface shows the warning under the ad or group: “Previous version of the ad is running”.

The ad is stopped by site availability monitoring

Site monitoring tracks the site availability by only requesting its home page. Ads are suspended if the site is unavailable for at least 15 minutes or more. Impressions resume automatically when the site is back online.

The home page is monitored several times a day automatically. The frequency of checks depends on the site traffic. You can't manually specify their exact number or timing.

If the site is unavailable during the check, it's not disabled until the bot returns to the page to make the second check. If the site is still unavailable at that time, impressions are stopped.

After the ad is disabled, site monitoring continues. If the site becomes available at a future check, impressions resume.

If your site becomes available but impressions are not resumed, please wait: the bot will crawl the site and resume impressions.

If the site is back online for a while already, but the bot doesn't resume impressions, you can disable monitoring in the campaign settings.

If you suspect that site availability monitoring made the wrong decision, namely, stopped impressions when the site was available or didn't resume impressions when the site became available, contact the customer service department using the feedback form, and we'll check our monitoring. Attach the Access logs of your site's response to the Yandex bot. The bot's useragent is Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexMetrika/2.0; +http://yandex.com/bots yabs01). This information is needed so our technical experts can discover the causes of the situation.
What are Access logs

Access logs are text files used by web servers to record the site access requests. One server request is recorded per line in the file.

Logs are used to collect the site statistics and detect possible site abuses.

To get this information, please contact your webmaster.

Impressions were suspended by the daily or weekly budget settings
Check if the campaign has any warnings:
  • “Your weekly budget has temporarily suspended impressions for this ad”
  • “Impressions paused by daily budget restrictions”
  • “Impressions suspended by shared account daily budget limit”

If you see these warnings, change your campaign budget settings to resume impressions.

You stopped the campaign or ad manually

Check the status of your campaigns and ads. You may have manually stopped the campaign or ad, which is why the ad is not served. Click Resume impressions.

Ads in the campaign are stopped by moderators

Check the status of the ads on the campaign page: perhaps, all or part of your ads are on the Stopped tab. According to clause 3.5.8. of the Yandex Direct service offer, the bot may stop the ads while they are being moderated.

After the ads are approved by moderators, they remain on the Stopped tab until you manually resume impressions.

Campaign impressions are suspended according to the time targeting schedule

Check the time targeting schedule based on the time zone you selected in the campaign settings. To do this, go to the Edit campaign page and expand Impression schedule.

A later date of campaign start is entered

Check the campaign start date in the settings and change it if necessary.

The ad is found similar to others

If a keyword has a bid sufficient for serving on the first page, but you can't find your ad in the search results for the query, your ad might be similar to another ad (see clause 3.11 in the Ad serving rules).

Ads from the same or different advertisers can be recognized as similar if, at the same time:
  • They promote the same or similar products and services advertised and sold in the same region.
  • They are placed with the same or overlapping keywords.
  • They contain links to the same or similar advertiser sites.

If your ad is found similar to others, it might not be shown. The search results show the ad that has the best combination of click-through rate (CTR), quality coefficient, and bid per click.

If you suspect that your ad was found to be similar to other ads, you can check it by sending a request to the customer service department using the feedback form.

Campaign has many invalid clicks

Yandex Direct protects ads from fake clicks. Those clicks that are identified as invalid at the first stage of checking (online filtering) are filtered automatically. You don't pay for them.

Campaign statistics are always double checked (offline filtering): the system analyzes the clicks previously counted in the campaign statistics after the online filtering. Some clicks may also be filtered as a result of the second check. You can view the number of clicks filtered by the anti-fraud system over a certain period in Report wizard (Invalid clicks) row.

If any invalid clicks are found at the second check, you get refunded for them. You'll be notified about this at the email address specified in the campaign settings.

Clicks are analyzed for a large number of parameters, so the decision about their integrity is made with a small delay. While checking validity, the system "reserves" the amount equal to the cost of the click that is being checked. Yandex Direct interface shows no debit transaction at this point.

In the case of fraudulent activities, the number of "bad" clicks can be many times higher than "good" clicks. Therefore, at some points the total "reserved" amount reaches the campaign's account balance. At this point, the system decides that the account ran out of money and stops impressions. After all the fraudulent clicks are checked and invalidated, the money is released and impressions resume.

Open Report Wizard and estimate the number of registered and filtered clicks for a given day. If the number of filtered clicks is much higher than the number of counted clicks, evaluate the expected cost of those clicks. To do this, multiply the number of filtered clicks by the average CPC. Compare the balance on your campaign account or shared account with the expected spending on filtered clicks.

To minimize the number of stops due to invalid clicks, try to reduce the bid or top up your campaign account with a higher amount (you may also set a higher limit for the shared account daily budget, if any). This way you can ensure that you have enough balance to continue impressions in case of temporarily reserved money.

Incorrect use of negative keywords
Negative keywords used for a keyword, ad group, or campaign have stop words (most often, a preposition) used in the keyword

For example, you set the keyword homes for sale and the negative keyword -!for. In this case, you'll have no impressions for homes for sale, but still have impressions for home sales (without the preposition).

We recommend that you remove prepositions from your negative keyword list.

If the negative keyword -!for is among shared negative keywords in a campaign or ad group, instead of deleting it, you may use "+" in front of it: homes +for sale. In that case, the negative keyword -!for is ignored for this keyword, and the impressions for keywords with this preposition will run as expected.

Negative keywords contain numbers with two or more delimiter points

Yandex Direct processes only the first point inside the digit sequence, and the next points are replaced by a space.

For example, the keyword protective sleeve -6.236.003 is equivalent to the keyword protective sleeve 003 -6.236, and you'll have impressions for the query protective sleeve 003.

Negative keywords contain operator-modified words or keywords that exactly match the advertiser's keyword

For example, you set the keyword Moscow exchange and the negative keyword -"Moscow exchange". In this case, you'll have no impressions under the exact query Moscow exchange. However, you'll have impressions under Moscow exchange schedule.

Or you set the keyword chop saw and the negative keyword -"chop chop". In the negative keywords using the operator " ", repeated words are merged together (into -"chop" in this case), and you'll have no impressions for the query chop saw.

The keyword contains the name of the region, but it's not included in the display regions

Check which display region is set in your campaign or ad group settings.

For example, if the keyword is: buy house in Moscow Region, and only Moscow is set as the display region (without the Moscow Region), then the ad is not served.

Make sure to check whether you enabled Advanced location targeting in your campaign settings. If it's enabled, we recommend that you disable it.

For more information about the effect of combined location settings on ad positioning, see the post.

Negative bid adjustments exclude certain audiences

In your campaign or ad group settings, you can use negative or excluding bid adjustments for specific audiences. Probably you are subject to such adjustments and can't see your ads in search results.

The checked region is not included in the campaign's geotargeting

Check that the region that is set or selected in your browser settings is included in your ad display regions.

Check that your city is not excluded from the campaign's geotargeting.

For example, if you check impressions in Moscow, and the impressions are set for the Moscow Region that excludes the city of Moscow, you'll have no impressions in Moscow.

You get warnings about restrictions
There might be warnings about restrictions under the ad group:
  • Legal restrictions on ad serving: both the impressions on search and in ad networks are limited.
  • Restrictions for tragic or adult subjects: no impressions in ad networks.
  • Restrictions on impressions based on user interests and audience selection criteria: no impressions in ad networks based on behavioral targeting and retargeting.
Keywords are related to tragic subjects

Check whether the keyword is related to a tragic subject.

If yes, then enclose all the keywords in quotes. In this case, the ads will be served on search, but only for queries that exactly match the keyword (without any additional words). For more information, see this section.

Ad subject is related to betting offices

Ads with the subject “Betting offices” are not served in search results in Russia, only on content sites.

In the Republic of Belarus and Republic of Kazakhstan, ads on this topic can be served.

If your ad subject relates to betting offices and impressions are targeted to Belarus or Kazakhstan, but your ad is still not served, send a request to the customer service department using the feedback form.

Ads are disabled in search results.

Make sure that with the Manual bid management strategy your impressions are not disabled in search results.

Campaign has ads with the same keywords, but with a link to a different site

In this case, ads or groups can be recognized as similar to other ads or ad groups (see clause 3.11 of the Ad serving rules).

If your ad is found similar to others, it might not be shown. The search results show the ad that has the best combination of click-through rate (CTR), quality coefficient, and bid per click.

Keyword contains typos or random letters

Check your keywords.

For example, if the keyword contains a Latin letter and the query is all-Cyrillic, the ad is not served (most often this occurs with the Cyrillic letter С).

If the above reasons don't apply to your case, contact the customer service department.

We added a new status: “Not enough statistics to forecast traffic”

Ad groups marked "Rarely served" have very few impressions or are not being served at all.

Before assigning the “Not enough statistics to forecast traffic” status, the system evaluates the accumulated impression data for the ad group. This process updates automatically. The system periodically tries to serve ads from this group. If the number of impressions in an ad group increases, then it becomes active again.

Bid forecasts and statistics for ad groups with this status are not available for 28 calendar days. Accumulated statistics can be seen in Report Wizard.

You can increase impressions by improving your ad group settings. Below we listed our recommendations, from the most important to the least important one.

Select different keywords

Perhaps your keywords aren't used often in search queries or are too specific for impressions in ad networks. Try adding other keywords or make sure that operators or negative keywords are not limiting your keywords more than necessary. We recommend that you use Keyword planner to create a list of keywords. You can see how many people search for a given keyword every month, and look up similar queries.

Combine keywords

Keywords that are not used frequently can be combined into one ad group so that together they can receive enough traffic to remain active. Using templates, you can create unique ads for each keyword. With the use of URL parameters like {keyword} or {param1} and {param2}, you can create separate landing pages for users that come to a site who clicked through on one ad but searched for different keywords. Learn more

Edit your retargeting list

Your retargeting list may be too narrow. Very few users click through to your site due to your settings. Try changing your settings and broadening your target audience.

Check your geotargeting settings

If you selected a particular city in your geotargeting settings, ads can only be served to people located or interested in that city. In some cities, there may not be impressions for a given keyword or Retargeting & Audiences option. Try adding nearby cities, or selecting the whole region or district.

Increase maximum bids

Your competitors may have raised their bids, so your ad groups are losing auctions due to low bids or negative bid adjustments. For your ads to win auctions and get selected for impressions more often, increase your bids or cancel your adjustments.

How to get more impressions

To increase the number of impressions for your ads:

  • Enable impressions in ad networks.

  • Change your impression schedule and expand your geography.

  • Check that your keywords are working. If you use operators incorrectly or have a lot of negative keywords, this will limit your impressions.

  • Enable autotargeting. Yandex Direct will use your ad text and the advertised site page to select relevant search queries and serve your ads to users who enter them.

  • Adjust your bids. Raising your bids allows your ads to win auctions more frequently and get selected for impressions.

  • Change the settings of your chosen strategy. For example, increase your budget if the limit you set doesn't allow you to win auctions.

You can also follow Yandex's recommendations for improving advertising performance.

Favicons in ads

Your site's icon (favicon) can be added to Yandex Direct ads on the Yandex Search results page.

What is a favicon?

A favicon is a small image displayed in a snippet in Yandex search results (including the ad section), next to the site address in the browser address bar, next to the site name in the Favorites or Bookmarks of the browser.

How do I install a favicon?

The image from your file named favicon is automatically uploaded as the favicon. This file is usually located in the root directory of the advertised website or is embedded in its HTML code.

Important. For search results, Yandex loads the favicon from the HTTPS version of your site. If the favicon is not available, it's not displayed.

After you add a new favicon, it may take some time to update the information. This means that the changes are not immediately displayed in the output.

What are the requirements for a favicon?

Size: 16 × 16, 32 × 32, or 120 × 120 pixels.

Format: ICO (recommended), GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP.

Why is my site displayed without a favicon in the ad?

In Yandex Direct, the favicon is added automatically from the organic search results. Check whether the favicon is in the root directory of the site. Otherwise, install it.


If you replaced the favicon that was installed previously or added a new one, it may take some time to update the information. This means that the changes are not immediately displayed in the output.

Why does my site have a favicon in search results, but no favicon in the ad section?
In Yandex Direct, the favicon is added automatically from the organic search results. If the favicon is installed on the site and shows up in search results, but not in the ad, make sure that it's the same for different versions of the site:
  • At the URLs both with and without www.
  • On the hosts with HTTP and HTTPS.

If you can't figure out how to install a favicon, please contact Yandex Webmaster support.

Favicon fails to display or is wrong

Check the favicon in the search results. To do this, enter the site domain in the search bar and look up search snippets.

If the organic search results (snippets not labeled as "Ad") show no favicon for the site, or the favicon is the same as for the ad and you want to display another favicon, contact your webmaster. After the desired favicon starts showing up in the organic output, the data is updated in Yandex Direct.

The favicon may fail to display if the site hasn't been indexed yet.

The favicon is set up correctly but is not displaying

Yandex Direct does not guarantee that favicons will display for all ads (even if the favicon is correctly configured). Ads can be displayed without a favicon, this is normal.


If you replaced the favicon that was installed previously or added a new one, it may take some time to update the information. This means that the changes are not immediately displayed in the output.

If the favicon is installed correctly on every version of the site, and search results show the correct favicon for the site, but no favicon is shown for ads on search, contact us using the feedback form.

SERP layouts

The SERP layout technology makes a decision about the search results in each case regarding how the ads will look and be placed. The resulting version of the search results depends on the user and advertising subject. Each option for showing search results is a separate layout.

The SERP layout is matched to the user and ad subject. In each case, the system shows the variant of search output that strikes the balance between the user satisfaction and effectiveness for advertisers.

Questions about SERP layouts:
Regular format

Ads are shown with all their extensions (sitelinks, contact information, display link). Callouts are only shown for the ad displayed in the top position.

Exclusive placement

The largest and most noticeable ad format in search results. An exclusive placement ad occupies a single advertising spot above the search results,

For ads to be served in exclusive placements, they must include:
  • Sitelinks with descriptions (we recommend adding the maximum number of sitelinks with descriptions to improve your ad performance).
  • Condition is met: Your bid and ad quality let you get the traffic volume of more than 100.
Advertising in suggest

The ad appears under the list of suggestions when the user enters a query in the search bar. It's selected algorithmically based on the most likely search suggestion and displayed only if the ad message is highly relevant to the user query. After being shown in suggestions, the ad can also be displayed in the search results.

Minimalist format

Ads are displayed without additional elements (sitelinks, contact information, display link). This design reduces the cost of an ad unit entry.

Copying the ad from the top position

The ad selected for the top position in the Premium placement section may be also shown at the top of the Remaining positions section.

No, you can't disable specific SERP layouts. Impressions in layouts depend on additional elements in the ad: sitelinks, their descriptions, address and phone number, images, videos, and more. The more elements you add, the higher the chance that your ad shows up in every SERP layout.

Impressions in layouts depend on additional elements in the ad: sitelinks, their descriptions, address and phone number, images, videos, and more. The more elements you add, the higher the chance that your ad shows up in every SERP layout.

You can use bid adjustments to increase the probability of being served in the premium single template or in autofill suggestions.

Yes, you can view statistics on impressions in the premium single template or in autofill suggestions using the Type of placement cross-section in the Report Wizard.

Displays stop in distributed mode

In distributed mode, ads are served in a way that spends the daily budget evenly throughout the day or during the period specified in time targeting. If your budget is not enough for continuous impressions, your ads will get paused periodically.

You can see the distribution of sessions itemized by hour in the “Yandex Direct, summary” report of Yandex Metrica. If the report shows that ad impressions are irregular, with very short periods, and you run out of the daily budget fast, it means you can't distribute your impressions in an optimal way with the current system settings. Increase your daily budget, change bids, or switch to a weekly budget.

Can I display a Search banner and a Text & Image Ad at the same time?

If the “Search banner” and “Text & Image Ads” campaigns use the same keywords, both ads can be displayed for the same search query.

Other questions about impressions

If you still have questions about impressions, you may find answers below.

Select a topic:

Select a question:

It depends on the SERP layout chosen.

Read more about SERP layouts.

When a user enters a query into the search bar, they see a list of suggestions for their query. This list might also display a Yandex Direct ad.

In this case, the ad is displayed in the minimalist design. It's selected based on the most likely search suggestion and displayed only if the ad is highly relevant to the user query.

You don't need to set up anything else for impressions in search suggestions: that's a completely automatic placement option.

The ad gets promoted to the search suggestion from the premium placement and receives more traffic compared to the top of Premium placement.

We don't guarantee that your ad appears in search suggestions if it's at the top of Premium placement. Impressions in the search suggestions depend on additional factors: high CTR forecast for the selected ad, high enough bid, and others.

Increase the bids for specific queries and improve your CTR for the queries.

In the statistics, they are displayed as the Premium placement impressions, since the ad from the top of premium placement gets promoted to the search suggestions.

No, the placement is fully automatic and can't be disabled.

However, we carefully monitor the quality of such impressions (relevance, time spent on the site after ad click, CTR) so that they don't impair effectiveness of your ads.

Currently, the CTR of ads in search suggestions is about 16%.

Ads are selected based on the most likely search suggestion rather than the query typed by the user.

For example, the user is typing credit card ba and sees the suggestion credit card bank of america (and the related ad). However, if you open the search results for the credit card ba query, the ad isn't shown.

Click Add → Campaign. Choose:

When creating campaigns for the product gallery, you can use feeds in the following formats: YML, Google Shopping, XML, and CSV.

The images.yandex.com.tr platform is both a content site and search site.

Search ads are displayed for a search query when the user hovers over an image or clicks on it.

Content ads are selected according to user interests and shown in separate sections between images.

Perhaps the ad was shown as part of an experiment.

We regularly test new ad formats, adding various design options and ad elements. This helps us make the ads appealing to users and more effective for advertisers and ad sites.

We run experiments in Yandex Direct on a regular basis, but only on queries rather than entire ad campaigns. The experiments can't affect your placement performance. You can't opt out of an experiment: see clause 5.7 of the Ad serving rules.

A separate auction is run for each ad unit, with several such units placed on the same site.

This means that the same ad can win multiple auctions and be shown in different units on the same page.

It's not possible to control impressions in this case — this is due to the technical peculiarities of the system, which depend on the site settings among other things.

This doesn't affect ad costs in ad networks or campaign performance.

If the city in the geotargeting settings is the user's city, then the ad might show the name of this city in ad networks.

You can't disable the city display in your ad served in ad networks.

If you meet the audience selection criteria set for your ads, or type in a search query corresponding to a keyword, and then open a YAN site or ad exchange site, the ad might not be displayed.

The system may consider that there are other subjects (other ads) that the user has been interested in more. If you see ads from your competitors, it means that for this ad network site the competitors' ads have a higher click probability than your ads.

The system controls the algorithm of ad selection for a specific user in ad networks. Each impression depends on many factors: competitive situation, number of sites of relevant subjects and interested users, bid per click, and others. After the ads are selected, the system builds a real-time click probability forecast for them and makes an impression decision based on this forecast.

Select the question you are interested in:

Whether an additional title is displayed depends on the actual width of the titles in pixels rather than the number of characters in them. The overall limit on ad width on search is 517 pixels. Since some characters are wider than others, and word highlighting used on search also increases the character width, the additional title might not be displayed, although the number of characters for both titles doesn't exceed 56.

Use the ad preview window in the Yandex Direct interface to check whether the additional title is going to be shown. If the additional title is not added on the ad preview, it will also be omitted in the search results. We recommend that you shorten one of the titles.

Possible causes:
You use a template in the ad

When you use an ad template, a specific keyword is shown in the ad title in the preview window. The additional title also depends on the total width of the resulting title in pixels, and the title width might be different for every keyword.

In this case, you can only use the search results page to check whether the additional title is shown for a specific keyword.

In the preview window, the ad is shown without highlights

Search results might look different from the preview because the bold highlighting used in search results might increase the title width. No title is added in this case.

The additional title might be displayed in some ad unit formats.

Select your current issue:

Impressions continue on the site added to the list of prohibited sites
Possible causes:
This is a Yandex site or Turbo page

We have updated the rules for blocking YAN sites. Now the ad will continue to be served in ad networks, on Yandex sites, and Turbo pages automatically, even if their URLs are in the blocked list.

Activation is not complete

After you add a site to the disabled list, ad impressions continue on this site until the activation is complete.

The system needs some time to apply the changes. Activation can take up to 180 minutes, see clause 4.1 of the Ad serving rules. That's why impressions on the disabled site might continue for up to three hours.

Difference between the time of ad generation for search results and time of impression
Ads might be served on a disabled site if:
  1. The user opened a YAN site page in the browser tab when it hasn't yet been added to the disabled list.
  2. Ads on search were generated and your ad was selected for display.
  3. The user didn't close or reload the tab for a while;
  4. A few hours or days later, the user opened this tab again, scrolled the page down to the ad unit, and clicked the Yandex Direct ad.

Impressions and clicks are counted when they actually occur.

Only the mobile or desktop version of the site was added to the list of disabled sites
For example, if you add avito.ru (desktop version) to your disabled list, impressions will continue on the mobile site m.avito.ru, and the other way round.
Ads are still served on Yandex Images, Yandex Collections, and Yandex Services, although they have long been disabled

Even if you added Yandex services in the .ru domain to the list of disabled sites (images.yandex.ru, collections.yandex.ru, and uslugi.yandex.ru), impressions might continue in other domain zones (.com, .com.tr, .il, and others).

Add all the domain zones to the disabled list.

Note. Now these Yandex sites are combined together in statistics (for example, images.yandex.ru).
Select the issue you currently have:
The campaign is stopped, but ads continue to be served
Possible causes:
Activation is not complete

The system needs some time to apply the changes, including the campaign stop command. Activation after stop can take up to 60 minutes, see clause clause 4.1 of the Ad serving rules . That's why impressions might continue for up to one hour after the campaign is stopped.

Take note of activation time if the stop was at the end of the day. For example, if the stop was at 23:30, it's allowable to have impressions data in the next-day statistics (activation might have been running until 00:30).
Difference between the time of ad generation for search results and time of impression
Impressions after a stop are possible if:
  1. The user opened a Yandex search page (or YAN site page) in the browser tab when the campaign was still active.
  2. Ads on search were generated and your ad was selected for display.
  3. The user didn't close or reload the tab for a while;
  4. A few hours or days later, the user opened this tab again, scrolled the page down to the ad unit, and clicked the Yandex Direct ad.

Impressions and clicks are counted when they actually occur.

The ad was stopped, but it continues to be served
Possible causes:
Activation is not complete

The system needs some time to apply the changes, including the campaign stop command. Activation after stop can take up to 60 minutes, see clause clause 4.1 of the Ad serving rules . That's why impressions might continue for up to one hour after the campaign is stopped.

Take note of activation time if the stop was at the end of the day. For example, if the stop was at 23:30, it's allowable to have impressions data in the next-day statistics (activation might have been running until 00:30).

Difference between the time of ad generation for search results and time of impression
Impressions after a stop are possible if:
  1. The user opened a Yandex search page (or YAN site page) in the browser tab when the campaign was still active.
  2. Ads on search were generated and your ad was selected for display.
  3. The user didn't close or reload the tab for a while;
  4. A few hours or days later, the user opened this tab again, scrolled the page down to the ad unit, and clicked the Yandex Direct ad.

Impressions and clicks are counted when they actually occur.

Impressions in the campaign continue outside of the time targeting
Possible causes:
Activation is not complete

When you change the time of impressions in the time targeting settings, keep in mind that impressions in the new time ranges might not start immediately.

The system needs some time to apply the changes. Activation after the impression is stopped can take up to 180 minutes, see clause 4.1 of the Ad serving rules. That's why impressions might follow the old schedule for up to three hours since the changes are made.

For example, the campaign has a time targeting of 8:00-22:00. At 18:00, the impression range was changed to 8:00 — 20:00. Activation of the changes may take 3 hours: hence impressions might run until 21:00.

Difference between the time of ad generation for search results and time of impression
Impressions after a stop are possible if:
  1. The user opened a Yandex search page (or YAN site page) in the browser tab when the campaign was still active.
  2. Ads on search were generated and your ad was selected for display.
  3. The user didn't close or reload the tab for a while;
  4. A few hours or days later, the user opened this tab again, scrolled the page down to the ad unit, and clicked the Yandex Direct ad.

Impressions and clicks are counted when they actually occur.

Time zone difference

Yandex Direct statistics shows data for the Moscow time zone. If the time zone selected in the time targeting settings differs from Moscow, your statistics might show impressions for disabled days.

For example, the following time targeting was set for the campaign: working days, 0:00 — 24:00, Yekaterinburg time zone is selected (+2 hours to the Moscow time). The statistics show impressions on Sunday.

Such impressions belong to the period when a new day has already begun in Yekaterinburg (Monday), but it was still Sunday in Moscow. It means that the impressions were run between 22:00 — 24:00 Moscow time.

In this case, the system might run out of daily budget within those 2 hours and start spending another budget when a new day begins in Moscow. The daily budget is also spent according to the Moscow time zone.

Yandex Metrica reports show sessions on stopped ads or campaigns

This is possible with any attribution selected in the report, except the Last click.

For example, if the attribution model last click from Yandex Direct is selected, the report includes all the user sessions from other sources, if they were once preceded by a session from a Yandex Direct ad.

If you use the Last click attribution model, check whether you have any sessions after you stop the campaign.

Possible causes:
Activation is not complete

The system needs some time to apply the changes. Activation after editing the list of negative keywords can take up to 180 minutes, see clause 4.1 of the Ad serving rules. That's why impressions for queries with the previous negative keywords might continue for up to three hours.

A similar word is used in keywords

If a negative keyword is used in a keyword, the impression is considered valid, since the negative keyword is ignored in this case.

For example, a negative keyword photo is added at the campaign or ad group level, and the keyword is sliding wardrobe with photo cheap. In this case, the ad can be displayed for queries like buy sliding wardrobe with photo cheap.

If a negative keyword is used in the keyword with the ! operator, the ad can be shown for the queries with this negative keyword.

For example, you added !moon as a negative keyword at the campaign or ad group level, and your keyword is travel. Since the ! operator used with a negative keyword locks the keyword form, impressions and clicks for the queries like trips to Jupiter moons are considered valid.

Invalid negative keyword
Cases of invalid negative keywords:
The keyword from the search query and the negative keyword belong to different parts of speech.

For example, the words moon and moony refer to different parts of speech. Hence if you add the word moon to the list of negative keywords, the ad will be displayed for the queries with the word moony.

The negative keyword uses the quotation mark operator.

The operator " " locks the number of words in a keyword. In this case, you won't get any impressions for the query that consists only of this negative keyword.

Let's say the search query is buy phone cheap, the negative keyword is "cheap", and the keyword is buy phone. Impressions are disabled only for the query cheap. An impression for the query buy phone cheap is considered valid.

For more information about using operators with negative keywords, see Using operators in negative keywords.

If you see that an ad is displayed for a query that includes your negative keyword, and the above cases don't apply, write to us using the feedback form.

You'll have no impressions, if extended geotargeting is enabled in the campaign settings and the keyword uses a region name mismatching the region in the campaign or ad group settings.

Geotargeting for the campaign is set for the city of Tver, extended geotargeting is enabled, and the keyword is amusement park Moscow.

You'll get no impressions for the keyword in that case. The region listed in the keyword does not correspond to any of the selected display regions, so your ad will not be served if extended geotargeting is enabled. To start serving these ads, you must disable extended geotargeting in the campaign settings.

For more information about how to combine geotargeting and keyword settings to get valid impressions, see Geotargeting.

Ads are only served in the region specified in the campaign or ad group settings, although extended geotargeting is enabled in the campaign settings
Extended geotargeting settings are ignored for ads in certain categories.
  • Travel and leisure (hotels, bus tours, trip packages, transit tickets, children's camps, and day trips, vacation reviews).
  • Categories that require documents to get advertised (medicines, medical devices and services, pharmacies, dietary supplements, detective work, pyrotechnics, finances, insurance, and items resembling weapons).

The ad category is determined automatically based on its landing page, title, text, and sitelink descriptions.

If your ad belongs to one of these categories, it will only be displayed in the regions you set in the campaign or ad group settings.

See also Advertising rules and requirements.

Possible causes:
You saw a different ad (with a title, text, link, or image) with the same keyword or broader keyword (for a nested query)

Perhaps you have a campaign or ad group that uses a similar or broader keyword.

For example, if you get impressions for buy cheap smartphone in Moscow, some other campaign or ad group uses a broader keyword like buy smartphone. Such an impression is considered valid, because the search query buy cheap smartphone in Moscow is nested in the keyword buy smartphone.

Please also keep in mind that the ad with the best overall score is selected for display. The score is based on the bid, quality coefficient, and CTR forecast.

Previous ad version is served

If you made changes to an ad and it was submitted for moderation, but didn't pass moderation completely yet, then the old version of the ad is displayed (even if you can see the new ad version in the interface).

Until the new version of the ad fully passes moderation and activation is complete (up to 180 minutes under clause 4.1 of the Ad serving rules), the previous version is served, and the Yandex Direct interface shows the warning under the ad or group: “Previous version of the ad is running”.

Activation is not complete

If you changed the ad, the search results will show the new version only after moderation is successful and activation is complete (up to 180 minutes under clause 4.1 of the Ad serving rules).

The activation process begins after the ads are checked and approved.

Any ads that are stopped or belong to a stopped campaign are only sent for activation after they are enabled. For example, if the campaign was moderated at 12:00, but the ads were enabled at 13:00, the activation time must be counted from the time the ads were enabled.

You didn't see the ad, but organic search results

Yandex Direct ads served on search are labeled as Ad. Check for this label next to the ad. If there's no Ad label, you are probably seeing your site in the normal (organic) search results.

Ad is displayed with the minimalist design (some elements are missing)

Ads can display without additional elements (sitelinks, vCard, display domain), even if these elements were set up.

Search results display different combinations of ads, for example: