Manual bid management
The “Manual bid management” strategy allows you to manually set bids for specific impression criteria. You will get the maximum number of impressions subject to the limits you have set for the bid, display region, and so on. Competition with other advertisers will also be factored in.
Strategy settings
- Average daily budget
Average daily campaign spending per calendar week.
The budget is reallocated over the course of the week: your remaining balance from less active days will be spent during more active days. Daily spending may be higher or lower than the limit you set. The system can not spend more than 30% over your average daily budget amount. Your average daily spending over a week will not exceed the limit you set.
The budget will be distributed across the entire day or time period you entered in the time targeting settings. If the budget you set is not sufficient to serve your ads throughout the whole day, your ads will participate less frequently in the auction. If the specified budget is enough to serve ads all day, you will receive all available traffic.
You can't change your daily budget more than three times per day:- When setting a limit or reducing the daily budget, the setting will be applied from the next day.
- If you remove the limit or increase the daily budget, it will be applied immediately after activation.
The daily budget runs based on Moscow time (UTC+3), regardless of the time zone chosen for your campaign.
The minimum average daily budget is 17 TL.
You can change strategies at any time in your campaign settings. If you switch from a manual strategy to an automatic strategy and then back again, the bids you set won't change.