Setting up strategy budget
Set budget limits for Maximum conversions and Maximum clicks strategies: weekly or for a period. For long-term ad campaigns without a specific end date, we recommend setting a weekly budget. If you need to control costs for flight campaigns, use a budget for a period.
In the Maximum number of clicks with manual bids strategy, you can only limit the daily budget.
Like the weekly budget, you can set the budget for a period in both standard and portfolio strategies.
- How it works
The strategy tries to maintain the given weekly budget, distributing it across the calendar week from Monday to Sunday. The budget may be spent unevenly throughout the week, but the weekly limit won't be exceeded. The campaign won't exceed the weekly budget unless there's a budget reset.
Budget distribution depends on your time targeting settings. For example, if you limit ad impressions to two days a week, your budget will only be distributed over those two days.
If the budget is underspent, this is usually a sign of a low CTR of the selected keywords, insufficient funds in the account, low maximum bid, or low CPA chosen.
- Maximum daily expenditure
Maximum daily budget:
If the schedule is for 1 day: up to 100% of the weekly budget.
If the schedule is for 2 days: up to 50% of the weekly budget.
If the schedule is for 3 days or more, or if there are no limits, then it's up to 35% of the weekly budget.
- Budget limits and recommendations
The minimum weekly budget is TL 17.
For the "Maximum conversions" strategy, we recommend that the weekly budget be at least 10 × CPA .
- Weekly budget reset
Campaign expenditures are reset when you:
- Change the weekly budget.
- Change the strategy or limit type.
- Enable or disable pay-per-conversion payment method.
- Change the average CPC.
- Re-launch a campaign after it was stopped, including by topping up an account that has zero balance, if the stoppage lasted longer than four hours.
- Postpone a campaign's start date, including when a finished campaign's end date is postponed to a later date, causing this campaign to launch again.
When you update the CPA, expenditures aren't reset.
How does reset affect the budget expenditure
If you change the weekly budget:
In pay-per-click strategies, the maximum expenditure on this day can be 35% of the old budget + 35% of the new one.
In pay-per-conversion strategies, 100% of the old + 100% of the new budget can be spent if all conversions are received in one day.
Let's say your campaign has a weekly budget of ₽7000. You spent ₽4000 from Monday to Thursday, on which you decided to change the budget to ₽5000. This resets budget expenditure, meaning the campaign can now spend up to ₽5000 more from Thursday to Sunday. If it's a pay-per-click campaign, on Thursday, you can spend up to 35% of the old + 35% of the new budget. And if it's a pay-per-conversion campaign, you can spend up to 100% of the old + 100% of the new budget.
The same applies to other actions that reset budget expenditures.
- Setting the minimum budget
In the "Maximum conversions" pay-per-click strategy with a limit on CPA or cost revenue ratio, you can set a minimum budget. The algorithm will calculate a recommended value based on the settings you provided. Alternatively, you can set a custom value.
- Use scenarios
Long period: the media plan built specifically for the April.
Short period: Flight campaigns for a 4-day promo, holiday campaigns, “warm-up” for events with a set date, campaigns with a capped budget for testing strategies and creatives.
- How it works
The strategy will aim to maintain the budget for the period, spreading the funds over the specified time. The strategy can't exceed the set budget, but it can spend less. If the budget is underspent, this is usually a sign of a low CTR of the selected keywords, insufficient funds in the account, low maximum bid, or low CPA chosen.
Expenditures can vary day by day. For example, the strategy may initially spend below the daily average in the first few days, then increase expenditure in the subsequent days to meet the overall budget, or vice versa. This happens because the user online activity isn't uniform over time, so the strategy needs some time to refine forecasts. If you're using a period budget with a limit on CPA, cost revenue ratio, or CPC, the strategy first aims to achieve the set target, and your target bids might cap your budget expenditure.
Budget distribution depends on your time targeting settings. For instance, if you've limited ad impressions to five out of eight days in the period, the budget will be distributed only over the five days.
The minimum and maximum period range from 1 to 90 full days. This means you cannot set up a campaign to start and end today, but you can schedule it from tomorrow to tomorrow.
The strategy period sets the start and end dates of the campaign, including in campaigns that are part of a portfolio strategy.
When you want to spend the entire budget amount, enable the option “If you have unused budget — Continue impressions”. In this case, the campaign will continue to run until the budget expires, even if the period has already ended.
When the period has ended, you can update the dates and budget to reuse the same campaign. It's important that these adjustments are made in a timely manner so that the campaign doesn't stop for more than a day, and the strategy doesn't start losing the accumulated statistics it learns on.
- Maximum daily expenditure
The daily expenditure is calculated every day: the system estimates the remaining budget and multiplies it by the share of the current day in the remaining period. The daily expenditure is capped at 30% above the daily limit.
Let's say you have a campaign that you've set up to run for ten days. After three days, you've spent RUB 3000 out of RUB 10,000. The amount you have left for the next seven days is RUB 7000. The share of the current day in the remaining period is 1/7. The daily expenditure is RUB 1000. It can't be exceeded by more than 30%, meaning the system won't spend more than RUB 1300 in the current day.
- Budget limits and recommendations
Minimum budget for a period is RUB 50 per day (values for other currencies).
In the "Maximum conversions" strategy, we recommend that the budget for a period be at least 10 × CPA . If you specify a period longer than a week, your budget should be enough for at least ten conversions each week.
- Resetting the budget for a period and changing strategy settings
The budget expenditure is reset if you change the strategy, limit type, or payment model on the first day of the period.
- For example, you set a budget of 10,000 rubles from December 1 to 10. By midday on December 1, you had spent ₽500, and then changed the payment model. The budget will be reset. For the remaining period from midday on December 1 to the end of December 10, the campaign may spend up to ₽10,000. That is, in total from December 1 to 10, the expenditure can amount to up to ₽10,500.
If you want to change the strategy, limit type, or payment model within the active period (but not on the first day of the budget period), set up a new period.
For example, you set a budget of 10,000 rubles from December 1 to 10. By midday on December 5, you had spent ₽4500, and then decided to switch to the pay-per-conversion model.
Change to this model, set a new period from December 5 to 10, and define the budget:
If you keep ₽10,000, then this amount will be set for the new period, and from midday on December 5 to December 10, the campaign will spend no more than ₽10,000.
The maximum possible expenditure from December 1 to 10 will then be ₽14,500.
If you leave the remaining amount (₽5500), then, from midday on December 5 to December 10, the campaign will spend no more than ₽5500. And in the entire period — from December 1 to 10 — it'll spend no more than ₽10,000.
Note that there may be a delay before the new budget settings replace the old ones. This means that the expenditure of the original budget might become higher than ₽4500 by the time the new settings take effect.
Other changes to the strategy don't result in the expenditure reset or a need to set a new period. For example, you can change the budget or reschedule the campaign end date.
- Setting the minimum budget
In the "Maximum conversions" pay-per-click strategy with a limit on CPA or cost revenue ratio, you can set a minimum budget for a period. The algorithm will calculate the recommended value based on the specified parameters (for example, the number of days in the period), or you can set a custom value.