Maximum conversions
How it works
You set an action to be made by the user in the app as a goal, for example, adding an item to the shopping cart or signing on. This strategy aims to increase the share of clicks on ads that most often produce conversions. Bids are automatically selected in such a way as to achieve the best result using all the specified criteria.
Ads will not be served to users if it is determined that the app is already installed on their phone or tablet.
Learn more about how this strategy works.
Prerequisites for using the strategy
The app must be connected to one of the tracking systems supported by Yandex Direct. A tracking link must be specified for your app in Yandex Direct.
- “Application installed”.
- “Goal achieved”.
- “Launched app”.
- “Payment details added”.
- “Added to cart”.
- “Added to wish list”.
- “Registration complete”.
- “Completed tutorial”.
- “Initiated order”.
- “Made a purchase”.
- “Rating assigned”.
- “Search completed”.
- “Credits spent”.
- “Achievement unlocked”.
- “Content viewed”.
- “Time spent in the app”.
- “User shared”.
- “Custom event 1-3” — use this name if other names do not fit the event.
Read the instructions in your mobile app attribution platform on how to set up and pass events.
To select this strategy, you might need to confirm your phone number. Make sure that a correct number is specified in the user settings.
Strategy settings
- Goal
A goal is an action you expect from a user who was exposed to your ad. Select the event passed by the mobile app attribution platform as the goal. App installed is selected by default.
- Average CPA
The ratio of weekly spending to the number of conversions.
During the first week after activation, the strategy is trained and the actual value of this parameter may differ from the set value. After this, you might see deviations in the average cost per action (either up or down) over the course of a week, but by the end of each week the value will get closer to the set value.
The specified average CPA is also affected by the selected adjustments.The minimum value for average CPA is 0.03 TL.
- Weekly budget
The minimum weekly budget is 17 TL.
Set a weekly budget of 70 × Average CPA (minimal settings) or 350 × Average CPA (recommended settings, so that the campaign has enough data to train on. Learn more.
The actual expenditure of a campaign using this strategy may vary by several percent from the specified budget. Accuracy may be affected when you switch between strategies, make changes to the budget, suspend a campaign, refine your time targeting or change the campaign start date.
Budget distribution depends on your time targeting settings. For example, if you limit ad impressions to two days a week, your budget will only be distributed over those two days.
If the budget cannot be spent, you will see an alert in the interface and get a notification sent to your inbox. This usually means that the keywords selected have a low CTR, low budget or low CPC.
- Maximum CPC
You can limit your CPC. If the maximum CPC is not set, by default it will not exceed 10% of the weekly budget. The setting is only available in the Expert mode.
Pay per installation
The strategy lets you get conversions at a fixed price per app install in view of the preset adjustments.
- Strategy settings
Enable the option Pay per installation. The goal will automatically change to "App installs".
Enter CPI. If you set up adjustments, the CPA for the selected criteria will change.
To ensure your strategy is effective, pass installation data from all sources to Yandex Direct. If you use AppMetrica, you don't need any additional MMP settings. If you use Adjust, enable the module Yandex Direct, Appsflyer to transmit settings from all sources.
- Specifics of CPI campaigns
When a campaign has few or no conversions, a warning appears in the interface.
How to calculate the optimal conversion cost
The optimal conversion cost is the value that provides the maximum total profit.
Profit per customer can be calculated using the formula:
Profit = Conversion value — Conversion cost
To estimate the total profit, multiply this difference by the number of conversions:
Earnings = (Conversion value – CPA) × Conversion count
The conversion value is the profit to the business from the conversion. For example, if 100 requests brings you RUB 50,000 rubles, the conversion value for the goal “Submitted an online request” would be RUB 500.
The selected conversion cost affects both earnings per customer and the number of converted sessions. When the conversion cost is low, profit per customer may be high while the number of converted sessions may be low. On the contrary, if the conversion cost is high, it may reduce profit per customer but lead to a larger number of conversions. Find a value for the conversion cost that would maximize your total profit.
The dependence of the number of converted sessions on the conversion cost is nonlinear. Starting from a certain threshold value, a further increase in the conversion cost does not essentially increase the number of converted sessions:
Use Report Wizard to find out the current conversion cost by selecting Conversion rate (%), Goal cost, and Conversions. You can calculate the optimal CPA by running an experiment. Specify different conversion cost values in experimental campaign settings. The experiment must run long enough to accumulate sufficient statistics for proper result analysis (at least a week). Use the statistics to estimate how the change in the conversion cost affected your profit.
When comparing the statistics, consider the statistical error, i.e., possible deviation of the data obtained from the true value. The table shows the relative error depending on the number of conversions.
Conversions | Deviation from true value | |
Conversion rate (%) | CPA | |
< 25 | ± 20% | ± 40% |
< 100 | ± 10% | ± 20% |
< 400 | ± 5% | ± 10% |
< 2500 | ± 2% | ± 4% |
< 10,000 | ± 1% | ± 2% |
Conversions | Deviation from true value | |
Conversion rate (%) | CPA | |
< 25 | ± 20% | ± 40% |
< 100 | ± 10% | ± 20% |
< 400 | ± 5% | ± 10% |
< 2500 | ± 2% | ± 4% |
< 10,000 | ± 1% | ± 2% |
Learn more about how to create a report and make decisions based on statistics