Interface guide

You can review statistics, make data-based decisions, and make changes immediately on the campaign page.

In the mobile view of the campaign list, only basic indicators are displayed, depending on the campaign type and strategy. You can view detailed statistics on the campaign page. To open the desktop version on a mobile device, tap your avatar in the upper-right corner and select Desktop version.

Where are all the features I'm used to?

Bid management

Find the campaign in the list and click Go.

Shared bid for a campaign

For campaigns with manual bid management, click and go to Bid Wizard.

Statistics for all campaigns

Look for it in the side menu.

Registered representatives

In the side menu, click Information → Your representatives.

I only see some of my campaigns. Where are the others?
Check up filters. Yandex Direct shows pay-per-click campaigns and pay-per-impression campaigns separately. To see the archived campaigns, change the status filter: instead of “All non-archived” select “All campaigns” or “Archived”.
Where are the links that used to be at the bottom of the page?

The links that were at the bottom of the page moved to the left menu:

  • Feeds, retargeting lists, and mobile apps are in the Library.
  • Operations with XLS/XLSX files, Changelog, Keyword Planner are in Tools.

Screen is cluttered

On the top right, click and select the columns you need.

Basic elements

In the new interface, all data for your campaigns, groups, and ads is shown in the same window. See the main elements below.

  1. Menu

    Quick access to statistics, information about representatives, all tools and additional materials for ad campaigns in the library.

  2. Campaign data

    All the necessary and important indicators are shown on the same page.

  3. You can quickly find all ads with a specific word, even those that relate to different groups or campaigns, or find all campaigns with a certain number of clicks. For example, in the filter under the Ads tab, select Parameters → Image → = Enabled to only show ads with images.

    To see display campaigns, instead of CPC campaigns select Pay-per-impression campaigns.

  4. Navigation tabs

    You can switch between objects: campaigns, groups, ads, and keywords. First mark the campaigns you need and then go to the appropriate tab, such as Groups. It will only contain groups in the selected campaigns.

    Similarly, you can immediately switch from campaigns to ads or from a group to keywords and back.

  5. Customize the table layout

    You can add or remove columns with the data on the pages of campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords. Click and select the indicators you need. To change the order of data, move the indicator to the desired location.

  6. Actions

    Actions are useful if you need to perform some operations with the selected objects: change their status, go to Report Wizard, or use Bid Wizard.


How to find campaigns
In the box next to the filter icon, enter the name or number of the campaign you want to find. You can also find the desired campaign by filtering by strategy, placement, and other criteria.
How to view detailed information about a campaign and targeting criteria

The Go to campaign button is next to the campaign name. You can also click next to the campaign and select this option in the menu.

Where to find retargeting lists
To find retargeting lists, feeds, mobile apps, and negative keywords, click Library in the side menu.
How to find keyword selection (wordstat)
In the side menu, click Tools → Keyword selection.
How to go to User settings
In the menu on the left, click the username, then select My settings.

Actions with campaigns

How to create a campaign
In the side menu, click Add → Campaign.
How to mark campaigns as important
  1. Select the desired campaigns in the list, then click Actions → Add to most important.

  2. To view the list of important campaigns, open the filter by campaign status and choose Most important only.

How do I submit for moderation, start, or stop a campaign

Click next to the campaign and select the desired action: submit for moderation, start, stop, delete, archive, unarchive, export to XLS/XLSX.

How to launch or submit multiple campaigns for moderation
To stop, start, submit for moderation, copy, delete, archive, unarchive, add or remove multiple campaigns from most important: first select the campaigns in the list, then click Action and select the action.
How to set up a daily budget for a campaign
Select the campaign and enter the amount in the Budget column.
How to view and change campaign settings
To the left of the campaign, click . In the menu that opens, select Edit.
How to see a list of all ad groups or ads in a campaign
Select the campaigns you need and click Groups or Ads in the menu above the list of campaigns.
How to see a list of all targeting criteria
Select the desired campaigns and click in the menu above the table: Bids and keywords, Feed filters, Retargeting & Audiences or User profiles.

Viewing statistics

How to track metrics on the campaign page

Create your own table with campaign data:

  1. Add or remove columns using the menu  → Campaign columns. To rearrange the columns, move the indicator to the desired location.

  2. Add statistics for goals to the data (if they are configured in Yandex Metrica). To do this, go to the menu  → Choose goals and choose the goals you need.

  3. To select the period for which statistics are needed, click the Statistics for <n> campaigns button at the bottom.

How to open Report Wizard
If you need more detailed analysis, go to Report Wizard:
  • For a single campaign, click next to it and choose Statistics in the menu.
  • For multiple campaigns, select them and click Actions → Statistics for <n> campaigns.

  • For all campaigns: in the side menu select Statistics → Statistics for all campaigns.

Learn more about Report Wizard here.

Payment and setting up a shared account

How to top up the account

Click Top up under the username. In the window that opens, specify the payment amount, select the method, and click Issue invoice.

Learn more about payment methods

How to open shared account settings

Click Top up under the username. In the window that opens, click Go to settings.

Learn more about shared accounts

How to view and change the average daily budget

Click Top up under the username. In the window that opens, the Average daily budget section shows the current limit. To adjust it, click Change. Into the Shared account window, under Average daily budget, click Configure and set the limit.

Learn more about the average daily budget

Keyword planner

The keyword planner helps you expand the set of keywords and negative keywords for your ad group by using Yandex search query statistics from the service.

To select keywords, click Add → Keywords, select the campaign and ad group, and click Add.

Learn more about the Keyword planner.

Find and replace

The find and replace tool lets you quickly edit multiple keywords in different campaigns and groups at once (for example, fix a typo).

To make a replacement, go to the Bids and keywords tab and click the Find and replace button at the bottom.

Learn more about find and replace.

Setting bids

You can quickly set bids in search results and ad networks:

  • For the entire campaign.
  • For a large number of keywords, even if they belong to different campaigns or ad groups.

For the entire campaign.

Select a campaign and click Bid Wizard at the bottom.

For keywords

Select the campaigns and ad groups. On the Bids and keywords page, select keywords and click Bid Wizard.

Learn more about setting bids.


Recommendations suggest how you can adjust campaigns in order to get more clicks and conversions. Yandex Direct will analyze your campaign data and provide personalized tips for how to improve the campaign's performance. Follow the recommendations and monitor the results.

To see recommendations from Yandex Direct, go to the Recommendations section in the menu. Learn more about recommendations.

Have questions?

Attention. Our customer service department can only help you with the campaigns created under the same username you use to contact us. You can see your current login in the upper-right corner of the screen. Our team can access your data only when processing your request.