Filter out inappropriate ads

Yandex Browser for Mobile blocks intrusive ads by default.

  1. Which ads are considered offensive
  2. Report an ad
  3. Enable ads on a website
  4. Disable ad filtration

Which ads are considered offensive

  • Erotic and pornographic ads

    Banners with erotic or pornographic images or ads for websites offering adult services. These ads are blocked on all sites except those where they match the site's content.

  • Aggressive and offensive ads

    Banners with graphic images of disasters or survivors of violence, scary characters from horror movies, worms and parasites, displays of diseases and deformities, infected organs and ulcers, and grossly obese people. Detailed drawings or close-up photos of private parts of the body or childbirth. Ads with messages about the death of celebrities or predicting the end of the world.

  • Intrusive and annoying ads

    Animated flash banners. Windows and tabs with ads that appear when clicking a video or an empty space on the page, or when trying to close ads.

  • Ads related to SMS fraud

    Banners that advertise websites related to SMS fraud or imitate messages from social media. Banners promising lottery winnings, prizes for a milestone website visitor, access to a declassified database of personal information or a chance to remove your data from it, predictions, and other similar offers.

  • Suspicious banners

    Banners faking windows and other browser interface elements. Fake messages about your computer being infected or updates for installed programs. Banners that promise money-making opportunities without explaining how. Suspicious ads offering treatment for diseases, rejuvenation, or weight loss without indicating medications, treatment method, or clinic. Banners advertising celebrity diets, especially if they contain compromising images.

Report an ad

  1. Tap  in the browser (if you don't see the icon, press the menu button on your smartphone).
  2. Tap Ad blocking → Report ads.

The report about the ad will be sent to Yandex. If many similar complaints are submitted, Yandex may block the ad source for all users.

Enable ads on a website

  1. Tap  in the browser (if you don't see the icon, press the menu button on your smartphone).
  2. Tap About the site.
  3. Disable Ad blocking.

Disable ad filtration

  1. Tap  in the browser (if you don't see the icon, press the menu button on your smartphone).
  2. Tap About the site.
  3. Disable Ad blocking.

If you can't find the information you need in Help or you are having issues with Yandex Browser for Mobile, please describe your actions step by step. Take a screenshot if possible. This will help our support specialists quickly find a solution for the issue you're experiencing.

Note. To resolve issues with Yandex services, please contact support of these services:
Yandex Browser for desktop
If you have problems using the desktop version of Yandex Browser, you can contact us directly from the browser: go to  → Advanced → Report problem or fill out the form.
Yandex Home page
If your question is about the Yandex Home page (for example, you want to change the theme, customize blocks or icons for services, or find YooMoney), contact us using this form. Select the option Question about Yandex Home page.
Yandex Mail
If your have questions about Yandex Mail (for example, how to disable ads, import messages from other mailboxes, restore deleted emails, or find messages in the Spam folder), use this form.
Yandex Search and search results
If you have questions about Yandex Search and search results (for example, about site ranking or invalid search results), contact us using this form.